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Everything posted by BearWolf

  1. Yes. Dotson will be at Ozen with his dad,
  2. Congrats Coach!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Congratulations Ed Taylor!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Doing this to Ozen is down right disgusting. I have been ticked off about it every since I was told months ago that the request to remain 5A would be made. It seems as if these people making this decision wants to completely destroy the program. I do not see very many wins over the next two years. I will never be happy with this decision. I also hope kids are not forced to play with injuries because of lack of depth.
  5. Ozen will be okay. May struggle a little early but by District we will see...Lol
  6. ​Unbelievable. I can see my conversation with the BBQ patrol guy getting a little heated. This world is going to crash and burn if we don't snatch ourselves back to some common sense.
  7. I got to see highlites of the championship game. Complete domination by the USA team. Reminded me of the first time our NBA Dream Team competed in the Olympics
  8. ​Big Ups on that REB
  9. ​The Markets smart guys are saying this morning that this will happen a maybe sooner than the article indicates.
  10. ​yes. Rachel Dolezal, Seattle
  11. ​​ ​when a person who is born of one race, makes the decision to become or represent themselves as another race.
  12. ​crossing racial boundaries
  13. ​Trump does not back down from anyone
  14. ​Standing by her man.....lmao
  15. Yes indeed along with some of his closest friends.
  16. With plenty on inside help I'm sure.
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