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Everything posted by LUFAN

  1. I think Skyler will be a great player by the time he leave LU..
  2. Who knows.. there was a ton of people and ALOT of loud students.. Great Crowd.. despite the number..
  3. Custer is getting better every game.. He actually dunked the ball. But man Skyler is an athlete... I just hope that Tristan is better.. The crowd was awesome and it was hilarious watching the 2 sheriff folks try to keep the fans off the court... Great game... we actually played with a ton of heart... I thought they were going to introduce a bunch of possible football recruits.. Man the announcer was freaking loud tonight... One thing.. I hope we can get someone like that Vohskul kid.. He was an animal.. quick and tenacious..
  4. look at the tickets that are left at lamarcardinals.com I would say a minimum of 8k will show tonight.
  5. I agree it is winable but I am not going to predict a score..
  6. Dang that is another big win for them..
  7. I know KLVI's morning show was hammering the game this morning.. They gave away three sets of tickets. Plus if you look there are no seats in the bottom sections left.
  8. Rebel Yeller.. I just had to give you a bit of a hard time... I know that they are doing pretty well in some sports these days.. I think that they need to be in a different conference though...
  9. I agree. I think this is a big win for Nederland.. I said it in the beginning... even if they were short handed this was a huge win.
  10. DISD is in horrible horrible shape.. they were 700 million dollars over budget and could not meet it.. They were about to lay off a ton of teachers.
  11. Go Dogs this is a big upset.. even with only 7 players suited..
  12. Do we have a score on this game??
  13. Good God that was a beat down..
  14. Yeller.. We are competitive in our conference and in other conferences that rank better than ours.. We need to make the jump sometime.. and we now have the people in place to do that... Baylor cannot compete in the Big 12 nightly in most sports. Lamar is on the upswing and Baylor has seen better days..
  15. You know that last thing that I wanted to say about this.. Most of the students do NOT KNOW THEY CAN GO TO THE GAMES FOR FREE...
  16. These are the things that they say are going on.. but i have talked to atleast 5 students who have said that they had hear nothing so far promoting the game... They can have professors announce it before each class or something.. They could do a lot more.
  17. That is a lot more than they used to do... That is much better than before..
  18. Listen.. I brought all these issues up when I went to school there. I was smashed for bringing these up.. but they need to go through the dorms an hour before the game and have a big march to the montagne before every game.. That would be something great... but they will not get it together.. I am sure you could get about 300 just from knocking on their doors before the games... Plus like I said before there is no advertisement to the students about the upcoming games..
  19. The only team that we are playing in a round robin format is UL.. The rest were just regular home games..
  20. I think that this is a winable game... I sure hope that more than 5500 people show up.. Football playoffs are pretty much over and we should be able to draw atleast 7k for this but looking at the avail tickets online it does not seem that way.. Maybe lamartickets can give us an update on how many tickets have been sold so far..
  21. DV I understand that you have your own opinion.... You have to remember that you let out who you were. If you had not said what you did and were you worked I would have had no idea who you were.. if you wished to remain anonymous you could have as I have chosen to.. By letting out your position also means that you can be considered representative of that said institution and you have to be very very careful the things you say. I do not think that you understand my point though... You make comments on your Opinion about the state of Lamar Basketball and also you have made opinions about the relationship between LU and LSCPA... People may misinterpret your views as the views for LSCPA athletics or that of Coach Cole.. I also stated that talking trash in a public forum is for fans to do not coaches.. You need to read before you comment. Finally unless you are a fortune teller you will never know what will happen at Lamar... You are not in the meetings with the coaches... you cannot see our recruits or coaches 10 years down the roads to make the bold statements that you make...
  22. Thanks for the back tiger...
  23. Now if Mr. Yates wants to start conducting himself with a little more professionalism than that of a 10 year old.. I would have no problem with him... I do not see any of Coach Roc's assistants on this board talking trash about them or any other program.. That is for the fans to do not the coaches..
  24. I agree that Coach Cole is doing a great job... I have nothing but respect for him... I am sure that sometime in the future we will want some of the recruits from that team... But DV is a bone head that is very very unprofessional... he is representing an institution that I am an Alum from and he is doing them a great disservice.
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