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Everything posted by LUFAN

  1. I agree Coop is the man. I also agree that we need to take a chill pill or crack open a cold one and relax a bit. We have no control over where it is going to go. It is not up to us where this storm is going to go... We can only do what we can to minimize the effects. No matter what someone is going to get drilled by this big bad storm. If it is not us we need to remember how lucky we are and we need to try to help those folks in any way we can. And if it does turn our way I would hope that they would reach their hands out to us to help pick us up off the ground.
  2. That is funny. I will be disappointed if I have to miss the OSU USC game Saturday.
  3. Man, Galveston could have a tough time of it. I sure hope they can get some of those people out of there. Coop was mad about our emergency management, but just look how lackadaisical houston and galveston are being and they have a much better chance of being affected than we do.
  4. Read the above post by coop. He just answered that question.
  5. That is tough to hear. But with so much variance in the track of this storm resources have to be stretched pretty damn thin.
  6. You are the man COOP. I am glad to hear that. I have a feeling you are going to be on the money... I HOPE lol
  7. Coop what is your latest prediction of landfall? Or do you still think Freeport....
  8. F***ed up beyond all recognition FUBAR
  9. It looks like that latest model you posted moved a bit south... They I think once the UKMET model and the European models are updated we will have a better feel for the storm for now. The model that shows hitting near Galveston seems to be way off compared to the rest of the models.
  10. When is the european model coming out again? It has been the most accurate...
  11. What is keeping this storm from moving faster like moving 11 or 12 mph? Do you think that this is going to change?
  12. Sabine Pass and areas like that.
  13. Well I have to say this KFDM COOP called it as being freeport and I believe his is going to be right. At least I hope so...
  14. when is the next update from the national weather service? and when are the models going to run again?
  15. Coop, so really how close is this storm going to come. They are making it impossible to make any plans. They are going to have the entire texas coast evacuating. That is ridiculous
  16. I really hope they make it. Competition is always good. But they were so far in the RED on their last show I don't know how much of that they can take. FEDOR WILL Destroy either Barnett or Arlovski
  17. Well I think that Affliction has a 50/50 chance to make it. They are a lot like the WFA who had a great card and horrible production. I hope they continue and I really hope more people start getting to see Dream because they put on one hell of a show and they have great fights even though many of the fighters are not big names. I was really disappointing about Eddie Alvarez... He is going to be great. They also had a guy that fights at 138 from Uriah Fabers camp that looks AWESOME.... He destroyed his opponent.
  18. What fights were you watching venom. The only fights that were really good were the final 3. The heavyweight bouts were he best. Affliction is a one trick pony. They used every fighter that they had in the show. Unless they sign some more fighters for the other weight classes their shows will not last. Since Affliction uses Wamma title belts not just organization belts, when are they going to sent the belts to Anderson Silva, Faber, BJ Penn, and Forrest... since the UFC's champion in these weight classes are the top of the MMA world. They do however have the right hw champ with FEDOR.....God that man is a freaking beast....
  19. I watched Dream 5 today and again they put on a better show than the UFC and Affliction. They may not have the talent but they are going to be the biggest competitor to the UFC.
  20. Good fight card... horrible production... really bad announcers (except big John)... if they don't fix those major issues they will be done with in 3 shows.
  21. That was brutal. I do not think that anyone in their right mind would step into the ring with that man. He is a freak. I would like to see Arlovski vs. Barnet though.
  22. Who do you think wins this fight. I believe Fedor will win but people are always discounting Tim.... he could pull the upset.... though I really do not think it will happen.
  23. I am pulling big for Ricardo Alameida. My BJJ coach is trained under his brother.
  24. Man you sure like to put words in peoples mouth. I never said that the UFC is not the best org. They have the top talent. I wish that more of the fight cards were a little better. I just said that I like Dream because of the tournaments. I also like the kicks and knees to the head on the ground and also the way the refs can dock a fighters pay for not being active and pursuing the fight. But Fedor is still going to dominate and is still the best fighter in the world.
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