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Everything posted by LUFAN

  1. It was a great game with a great crowd but my God the refs were the worst I have ever seen. Also the coaches son from Northwestern was a jerk and a dirty player, he seemed like such a poor sport. Also I think that Kethan Hancock's mom almost got thrown out of the game for starting stuff in the student section. I have to say that the crowd was loud and Nabors had another monster dunk. Dawkins was had a rough time tonight and good Lord McThay needs to use his head, he makes some of the dumbest decisions that I have seen since CT in the beginning of the season.
  2. Were was Bob tonight? That other announcer was just not as good. Bob has much more enthusiasm about the game.
  3. Anytime the students start to get on the opposing team, the cops are always griping. Also why cant we sit behind the visitors bench when there fans dont fill the seats. We get moved again by the police that are at the game.
  4. That was a fun game to attend. There was a crazy lady from McNeese causing problems and almost getting kicked out. She was picking fights with kids. It was funny.
  5. I just sent him a nice little email. Here is what I sent. Gene, You are right, the problem is with people like you who are closed minded and do not see how the times have changed. I don't know if you have walked on campus and have seen the changes that have been made. Lamar is not as it once was. We now have 4 full phases of dorms on campus with a bunch of apartments around the school meaning that there are more students living on campus than ever before. You are also forgetting that we lost about 8 mil a year in funding from the state after football was canceled. Why because about 2,000 students left LU and those were not all football players. The students at LU today want a better campus life, they want more things do do, and more importantly it was there decision to make not yours. They are gong to be completely footing the bill for this en devour not you. Remember LU will not only be adding football, but a marching band, girls soccer, girls softball, a drill team, cheerleaders, and another new girls sport. All of those things will add more scholarships making it easier for some to go to college that may not have been able to without the help. So I say to you, look at the full picture, not through your black and white glasses. Things change just maybe not you.
  6. This is awesome since I have lived in SETX I have never been able to see LU play football.. Also I have to say coop I am mad at you for ruining my sleep last night.
  7. I sure hope your gut is wrong. I would be very disappointed if it doesn't pass.
  8. I really hope this passes. I just graduated and cannot vote. If I was able I would vote for it. All those people who say we should raise tuition for improvements are missing the big picture. They need to understand that by the increase in students will give Lamar more money and would be able to make these improvements more quickly. Also how can we compete with the major Universities if we do not have all of the quality of life things that they have.
  9. Nuevo was getting burned all night. That is why he did not play much.
  10. The refs were the worst I have seen in a long time. They were horrible. I am glad that we ended up winning that game. The crowd was great. It was very loud in there. I would say there were probably 4200 to 4500 people tonight, if we win the next game we should have alot of people when we play McNeese.
  11. I really feel that we are going to win this game. Like I said before if we win this game we will beat SHSU. Our intensity, game play, and momentum will continue to grow.   
  12. Lamar by 12 to 15 points. SFA and SHSU have peaked already this season and LU continues to grow. Call me an optimist but we will see. Going further I think we beat SHSU at home by 10 on Saturday.
  13. That was a good game for our team. Many of the players that we need to step up are starting to play. Oh and that dunk by Nabors was ESPN material. Also I have to say way to go Curry Todd you are starting to play well, glad to have the old Barrow back and way to hustle L.S.
  14. My friend was Bronson Parsons was taken from us on New Years day by a very very bad person. He was hit by a person who did not stop. Anyone who would not stop for a human being is evil in my book and I really hope they are found so they can pay for some of what they have taken away from us. He was one of my very best friends growing up. Here is a link to the article. [Hidden Content]
  15. I completely agree ABTR. I am very happy with this game. Hopefully we can continue to play well and improve.
  16. Poor play call. Cards lose 77-79. We played a great game though.
  17. 77-77 with 45 seconds left LU with the ball.
  18. We have played very well thus far. I think that our inside game is starting to come around. I think that with the improvements that we have made this season I think we will be just fine in the upcoming weeks.
  19. Tech doesn't show up to this game, Lamar has tough 2nd half again but pulls it out by 5. This is the turning point of our season. Bobby Knight has a nervous break down and throws another chair lol.
  20. I think if we can get a better rotation going I think that we will be ok. We get tired in the 2nd half and play crappy, but if we can get some decent bench play we wouldn't have that big lul. Barrow, Todd, Dhop, and Worrell must get going if we are going to start winning any games. I was so ticked off when we almost blew that lead. All that I could think was PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OFF YOUR A$$ and start playing some basketball like the 1st half.
  21. I completely agree with you orange. It is not the fact that I do not think that the program is going in the wrong direction. He may not be a bad coach but he is going through his learning phase. Can we all not agree to that? I as a fan am calling into questions some of his choices. Does that mean he is a bad coach? No. Again we have these kinds of conversations on the other boards all of the time. Mr. Mosley I want you to look back. Do you remember PATITAN and all of the crap he spewed about your boy. I gave him so much hell for the crap that he talked on your kid. You should look at those things before you start getting all worked up.
  22. Mr. Mosley, first off. again, I am not bashing any of the girls. I am just pointing out some basic flaws that almost anyone who has been around the game of basketball knows. As I have said, at this point he is not putting the girls in a good position to win games much the way others have stated about Coach Roc with Lamar. 2nd you would not have to break anything down slowly. I do support the team I only call into question things that are visibly wrong. I believe that these girls could make the playoffs with some tweaks to their game plan. You are right I am not the coach, but I am a fan who has the right to criticize the coach for having an unprepared team (which is the coaches fault). I do have to say that your daughter has been picking up her game as of late. Again I am not faulting any of the girls on the team, it is the system. But your son is the perfect example, he was brought up in a good system and look where he has ended up. I believe that these girls have been short changed in this system. Maybe Coach Smith is the answer maybe not we will find out in the future. The whole point of these posts were to stir up some kind of fire and conversation as girls basketball is not a well followed sport at Nederland. Again, I am not trying to offend any players or say any bad things about the kids playing the sport as these kids are doing the best they can and they are the ones that are putting themselves out there. I am not insulting your kids or you so if you please quit trying to insult me.
  23. What is he doing right? You tell me. I may not be a coach, (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express Last Night) but I really don't think you are either. I don't have to go to practice to see the lack of preparation in his teams. That is what I am basing it on. Also, I would like to say one thing, me being an is not likely. It is more likely that you are an I am only giving my opinion on his performance, we may not agree but until you show some basketball prowess keep the personal bashing to a minimum. Also he is a public figure and should be ready for some criticism. If he can not take it he needs to quit his job. Just a thought, but if Nederland's football team had back to back losing seasons was getting blown out, I am sure people would be criticizing the coach at there also. Also I am not trying to coach his team, I am merely speaking on what I see. This is a message board about girls basketball and that is what I am giving my opinion on.
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