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Everything posted by CATCH19

  1. well all i know is that I laid out #66,#35,and #28 (who does not know how to throw a cut block).....and we showd mad heart...we declined the option of having a running clock the entire second half just so we could have every opportunity to crack heads with you guys,the score didnt matter after the third we just wanted a few good hits to remember...and we got em...#28 and I mixed it up pretty good...and as a team we NEVER GAVE UP we made yall play us every snap and used every second on that clock...yeah the score was bad but a score board doesnt show heart... also WOS is pretty classy waiting for the home teams fight song to start and run out of the tunnel while the home team takes the field just so yall could meet us at the fifty to share "nice clean words of encouragement to us" thanks we appreciated that fellas.......
  2. haha...the old COULDA WOULDA SHOULDA game...nice...but the thing is YAH DIDNT...so yah LOST...end of story
  3. I've heard it called the YEE-HAA bowl since forever, and its always a good game, and im ready to play... HJ-22 HF-14 GO GET EM HAWKS
  4. wow...the doomsquad got lucky this week they started strong but got tired and slowed down and gave up SERIOUS points...thank the lord the offense started clicking and they executed or this coulda been bad...the HJ secondary did a pretty decent job despite a few minor mistakes, and the O-Line did a goodjob of getting down field...not the hawks best outting but things are startin to look good for ole HJ GO HAWKS!!! (p.s. the interception at the very end of the game by #11 was quite a catch and run, congrats buddy)
  5. WOW...i cant believe this happened... ...wut happened did dayton play with there hands tied behind there back or were they blind folded???
  6. Garbage Teams...wow well I guess thats why your EAGLEFAN and not EAGLEPLAYER!!!!!!!!!
  7. HJ has played 3 solid games of defense...they slipped up against EC because they were on the field about 20 out of the 24 minutes of the 1st half...2nd half was a little better HJ moved the ball but it was too late in the ballgame...those 11 for HJ-D are players and make plays keep up the good work fellas...
  8. wow...yall are doin some serious underestimating....this is flat out ridiculous...
  9. Lumbertons football Traditon "win em all in pre-season...and ta heck with district" haha sry just had to ;D
  10. Lumberton will win...and they will get an even bigger swagger, But Cleveland is another one of those down teams...they do have some play makers and all but 3 guys cant win a game...however I am PULLING FOR CLEVELAND and hope you guys stick it to em...good luck
  11. haha..."39 to 6 EC only scores on two field goals by the barefooted kicker"...sounds familiar someone i know said that once...haha and i say it can happen GO HAWKS!!!
  12. that was a good article...but everyone keeps spellin Garrison's name wrong...its MARC not MARK...and yes this weeks match up should be another BARN BURNER.......
  13. HJ's DOOMSQUAD better show up and play or else it will be a long night for the HAWKS...if all goes as planned Im sayin HJ by 7...GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. wut did hussey do?...he made a run they threw a flag and the next thing i seen was him takin off his shoulder pads and just puttin on his jersey??????
  15. CHRIS GOHLKE of PNG...he's the man he worked out with us this summer and we got to watch some of his highlight films...HE WAS COLD...really cool guy...makes Chuck Norris look like a clown
  16. If it wernt for cuss words i think id have trouble payin attention to a coach...
  17. Newcomer to the HJ JV...
  18. Dress,Pray,VOMMIT and Im ready to go...
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