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Texas Stiks Elite 11U-13U

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  1. The Texas Stiks Elite Youth Baseball Organization will be holding an open tryout on August 15th 2015, for it's 2016 rosters. Tryouts will be held at Marauder Park in Lumberton. 11u will be from 9am-10am, 12u 10am-11am, and 13u 11am-Noon. All 3 teams (11U, 12U, and 13U) will be playing at the Elite level next year. We are a non profit organization and work hard during the off season to minimize dues. We have already received a lot of interest on all 3 teams, if interested please contact the respective coach below so that if more time is needed on tryout day we can make arrangements. Don't allow your son to miss out on the chance to play for an organization that seen tremendous success in it's very first year. That success being topped off with the 10U which will now be 11U going 8-0 and winning the USSSA World Series in Dallas. The 11U finished with a record of 22-14-1 and placed 5th out of 20 teams in their World Series. 11U Elite- Kevin Koch - 673-2661 12U Elite- Derek Hill - 299-2539 13U Elite- Roger Beard - 658-4496
  2. The Texas Stiks Elite Youth Baseball Organization will be holding an open tryout on August 15th 2015, for it's 2016 rosters. Tryouts will be held at Marauder Park in Lumberton. 11u will be from 9am-10am, 12u 10am-11am, and 13u 11am-Noon. All 3 teams (11U, 12U, and 13U) will be playing at the Elite level next year. We are a non profit organization and work hard during the off season to minimize dues. We have already received a lot of interest on all 3 teams, if interested please contact the respective coach below so that if more time is needed on tryout day we can make arrangements. Don't allow your son to miss out on the chance to play for an organization that seen tremendous success in it's very first year. That success being topped off with the 10U which will now be 11U going 8-0 and winning the USSSA World Series in Dallas. The 11U finished with a record of 22-14-1 and placed 5th out of 20 teams in their World Series. 11U Elite- Kevin Koch - 673-2661 12U Elite- Derek Hill - 299-2539 13U Elite- Roger Beard - 658-4496
  3. The Texas Stiks 11U team is looking to add 1 player to its roster.  This team has 7 tournaments left including state and world series.  This team has seen success of late going to the championship in 2 of the last 3 tournaments.  The roster as of now is only 9 players so there is plenty of playing time for your kid.  Very minmal dues if any as this team has been funded all year.  If interested in a tryout please call Derek Hill at 299-2539.
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