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Posts posted by setxguru

  1. I ran into one of my old buddies from the west Texas area the other day and he was knocking the coaching in SETX.  He went on and on about all the talent the area had but the lack of championships won.  I then started making a list of all sports that have won area Championships and it was actually more than I thought.  I included all sports and coaches that I know, but help me out if I have left anyone off.  I went back about 25 years.


    Newton - Coach Barbay (Multiple Years)

    WOS    -  Dan Hooks (Multiple Years)

    Beaumont Kelly - George Eskew (Multiple Years)


    P.A. Lincoln - Andre Boutte (Multiple Years)

    Beaumont Ozen - Andre Boutte (Multiple Years)

    Kountze - Todd Sutherland (1)

    Kountze - Coach Joubert (Multiple Years)

    Hardin Jefferson - Coach Sutherland (1)


    Jasper - Not sure of Name (1)

    LCM - Steve Griffith (1)


    Jasper - Loyd Weatherspoon (Multiple Years)

    West Brook - Arthur Louis (1)

    WOS - Toby Foreman (1)

  2. Dawg4life, I am in know way knocking the bulldogs of the past, and I am fully aware of what Jasper football USED to be!  In a world where the number one phrase is "what have you done for me lately" the bulldogs have been average at best.  My question is when can we expect the dawgs to become contenders again.  Please don't tell me that the excuse being used is that the talent is run out, because that is most definately not gonna fly.  I was at the Jasper/Kville game last year and the dawgs have plenty of talent.

  3. I agree with Ozenfinest, Earl, Deon, and Ben were all good in high school.  However, they all are on the team at Texas and Deon will be a four year starter this year and Earl will be in his second year as a starter and Wells really doesn't touch the field much!  I also think you gotta throw Danny Gorrer in there from PA!

  4. I think both Chip and James were both very good players, but I got to give the nod to James Brown!  James was more successful at the High School level and he did continue to play college football at an extremely high level.  One could only speculate about what Chip may have been in college, because he chose not to play football.  Chip also had plenty of tools to work with in high school as did Brown.  I also think that Alvin Lee would have to be mentioned in the discussion with the All Time best RB.

  5. WO-S will have 3 GOOD coaches by this Summer that replaces the couple that left.

    WO-S is hiring more coaches than spots vacated? 

    They have the extra money, now that they don't have to bus. ::)

      Stopping the buses dont seem to have had an effect on the track program?

    77 you are write and wrong about the track program.  I have a nephew that competes in the Jr. High track program in that district, and they were horrible in the 8th grade and didn't even have a 7th grade.  However, yes the Varsity and JV both looked spectacular. 

  6. I was just wondering if this was the same Coach Bickham!  I know there was a Coach Bickham that had been at Deweyville and that there had been a Coach Bickham at Carthage!  However, in the two seasons since he resigned in the middle of the year, Carthage has gone (26-5) and won the state championship this past season!  Congrats to Jasper Coach Bickham was definately worth the four month wait!!!

  7. I totally agree with yall. Arthur Louis was the man at Ozen. His winning percentage has never been matched. His dismissal was unwarranted.

    You must be high.  A. Lou was 0-fer against Ned and PN-G.  Brooks had the best winning percentage @Ozen so far.  He (Brooks) couldn't handle the pressure to win and thus left for perceived greener pastures...

    I stand corrected, Brooks percentage was better.   8)

    Brooks winning percentage was better for the simple fact that he not only inhereted a winning program, but he only had 2 yrs as to Arthur who had 4yr. Also in Arthur's first yr he had no Sr.'s and still made it to the play-offs Brooks not only had Sr. but he had a ton of D-1 players from Arthur's team... And if you look at the historical sight Arthur did beat nederland he also beat WOS...

    Brooks had a better winning percentage and he swept Nederland.  Both Louis and Brooks were (1-1) vs. WOS.  Louis was removed simply because he couldn't beat Nederland!!  Louis and Brooks are both very good men and very good coaches and are BOTH disciplinary guys!!  If you had to pick between the two the biggest difference would be Brooks has been a head coach for 17 years and made it to the playoffs 16 *PNG Blown Call 2003* the only exception.  Louis has been a head coach for 4 years and made it to the playoffs all 4.  Oh yeah, Coach Brooks does have those 4 State Titles under his belt!!  If you had to make the call between those two, who would you go with?

  8. JV lost one game the very first game thay played

    Sorry but the Mustangs didn't lose any games last year including a win on the first game against Nederland 34 to 6!  They also beat PA Memorial 36 to 6!  I got those scores from previous JV Score posts!  In my opinion the Mustangs will be just fine next year as they are EVERY YEAR!  FYI the Mustangs are 44-5 in the last four seasons and have not lost a home game sinces 2004!

  9. I would like to say that football is not put above everything else. With that being said it is very important and keeps alot of kids in school and actually provides them with an education.

    Sorry, but I respectfully disagree that "football provides them an education". Colleges graduate maybe 50% of the football players, and also take into account many of the athletes take the simplest classes available. Students should attend school to get an education, "athletics" should not be the motivating factor to keep kids in school. Some schools simply don't get this. 

    The GURU will now speak on this most unfortunate of topics!  First of all bucky, I believe the comment about football helping kids with education was that extra curricular activities gives kids incentive to make good grades, stay in school, and get a college education.  This is 100% accurate in the WOS school district.  By cutting out transportation for extra curricular activities you will cut out the number of kids that will participate in these activities and will cause some to even not participate in school all together. I have a brother that has worked in this district and I can honestly say that the mismanagement of money for YEARS has caused this district the hardships that it is currently enduring!  Unfortunately, the CHILDREN are ALWAYS the ones that SUFFER!  Sorry bucky, but the buck stops here and The GURU has spoken!!

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