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Everything posted by pigskinmom

  1. i don't care who you are...that's funny!
  2. good job raiders! hope you play well into november!
  3. most of southeast texas would pack into a stadium to see that game!
  4. & they needed the morale boost as much as lcm. mathews is a class guy. glad that he & his boys will close out with a win.
  5. somebody just put 'em out of their misery...run the clock out & just let the season end for them...get on the bus, go home & let the bears all think happy thoughts...like BASEBALL or BASKETBALL or SOCCER! ;D
  6. both teams have played hard all year, but with nothing personal on the line, i gotta root for the boys who have never been to the playoffs before!
  7. i'm guessing there isn't a whole lot they can do we all knew this was going to be ugly
  8. looks like MC is getting spanked all the way around tonight
  9. BINGO!!!!! I was wondering when you were finally going to admit that!!!! There's those "powers that be". ???i didn't reference "powers that be" ??? but it was the districts responsibility to educate the public & make then understand why we needed these changes. if you want someone to buy something, you don't just stick it out there & hope for the best. tax payers are "buying" the improvements however you want to look at it.
  10. : didn't we address those who gripe & complain already? : voter education & registration are vital, i read both proposals completely, it was the responsibility of the district to "sell" it to the taxpayers. it could have been packaged differently & perhaps they would have been playing on turf. sterotypical & judgemental how specifically? those are easy statements to toss about, but in actuality i stated facts, & withheld my personal opinions aside from my comment about the jr high being a dump...which i could have phrased better...it is a very old facility, lacks much in appearance and function, and is a disservice to the students and teachers who spend so much time there. ;D
  11. ok, city of west orange, but how many apartment complexes are in woccisd? how much rental property in general? a short drive through neighborhoods, or a quick glance throught the orange leader & you will see tons of listings for rental property. ads on realtor.com tout tons of "investment" property ads within woccisd. look at the little area of roselawn alone. even 10 years ago, it was full of young families, clean yards, and nice neat homes. now almost some entire streets are rentals. not everyone can or wants to own property & i grasp that so i hope this doesn't get spun into another thread of class envy...homeowners vs renters, that is not the implication. the simple facts are that we as humans, regardless of skin color or income, take more pride when we have ownership in something. be it an automobile, a home, a school district etc... the bottom line is that in most any organization, church, school group, etc... you have a small percentage of people doing most of the work, be it physical or financial. & they get the privlidge of listening to the majority gripe & complain. sad to say, but this bond election makes my case by itself. a multitude will complain about the status of the schools, the lack of things offered to the kids, but a handfull show up to speak out on election day. if the projects that were voted in don't meet their expectations, more griping will follow. if all of the complainers in the world would get off of their butts, we'd all be better off!
  12. if i get mad enough, i just might run for mayor! ;D
  13. you know, it is really sad...this entire thread. the whole woe is me mentality & the world is against my school because of the number of african americans who attend there, & every professional athlete who ever walked through the halls of wos owes us something... i usually enjoy posts from most of you guys, but this is sounding like sour grapes. first of all, the number of people who turned out to vote is pathetic...period. no matter if they checked yes or no, to have a handful of people, black, white, green or purple decide how to spend that many millions of dollars (their own money at that) is sad. the district has struggled for years, a combination of robin hood & the boards brilliant idea to be self insured a few years ago...anyone remember the multitude of insurance claims? not to metion multiple lawsuits by disrtict employees, who continued to get their contracts renewed!? then a few years after that, they were so far in the red, that they had a state mandated RIF...they were going to run over 19 million in the hole for the next year without a RIF the high school is in good shape, as far as the argument about how it is too crowded...then how did it work when wos was 4a? the jr high is a dump, there is no other way to put it...if any campus needed to start from scratch, it is that one. maybe people are reluctant to donate money for projects in fear that they will end up looking like the stark highschool display on the jr high campus. that 50,000 would have been better spent renovation the stadium, or making improvments to the campus. the colors are running & parts of it are already in disrepair. pro athletes that came through wos, well their money is just that...their money. however they choose to spend it is their business. if they want to pay to turf a field or stick it in their ears, that is their business. they have people asking them for money all of the time & not just people from back home. the amounts that they donate to charities to reduce their taxable income is staggering. & one in particular has more than stepped up to the plate with generous contributions & underwriting for inspire 12, which will benefit the kids of the district a lot more than turf or no turf. to close all of the elementary schools & build another & bus kids from all over orange was poor planning. just how many schools sit unused within the city of orange already? does the tech. dept & maint. dept really need the entire old intermediate school? one of the main problems is that the number of people who own property in wos district is dwindling. so much of it is rental property (68% according to dean fuller, west orange fire marshall) renters don't have a vested intrest in the long term outlook for a community...schools being a HUGE part of that outlook. academically wos is suffering, while they have some great uil classes, as a whole, the basics are struggling. only 27% passed the taks science. i think fresh blood is needed in the admin dept...but that is a whole 'nother thread in and of itself! IF the money is used wisely, & IF improvements are made academically WOS will have the last laugh after years of struggling. with the ship yard contracts (another big IF) and plant improvements there is the possibility for the district to be very appealing to new families...inspire 12, new or renovated schools & lots of houses for sale....lots of BIG IFS in there, but i hope the district & community can pull it off! good luck wos!
  14. back in the day.....the khs & nhs game was one of the biggest games of the year for both schools. stadiums were watched carefully by the ag boys from both schools, while the occasional "N" or "K" was marked onto the field of the opposing team. couples who dated someone from the "other school" were scorned and more than one homecoming bonfire was torched a little too early. it was classic small town high school football atmosphere! there have been a scant few times when kirbyville was crowned the victor, but those were FEW & far between. in recent years, kirbyville has made impressive strides, but i doubt it will be enough to rattle barbay & co. one thing is missing from the thought process is this...many of the boys who play football now, well see their daddys & uncles & cousins all put on pads & suited up for coach barbay too, some of the jr high boys, their granddads played ball for him. you don't have a group of boys running home to mama & daddy griping about "what coach makes us do..." chances are he made their daddys do it to and guess what, the record shows that it all works. the win consistantly in every division they play in. some years they are stronger than others, but that is the basic nature of sports. hope the games come back around!
  15. ...so griffith & co can post some wins for the bears! lcm vball had a good year, girls & boys soccer looking pretty good, just the endzone that remains elusive for the bears...
  16. the stick & dead horse are busy over on a l-train thread
  17. i think the finger pointing began when the first punches were thrown on the sidelines weeks ago... :-\
  18. & a lot of work goes into these weeks of football, not just from palyers & coaches either. before you know it, your kids are cheering at their last game, or putting their instruments together for the last time, or running their last play...
  19. playing on "pissed off" can carry a team a long way. if the bears come to the field mad instead of defeated, it could make for an ugly mix.
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