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Everything posted by pigskinmom

  1. i don't know about it going as far as being an indicator of manhood or not, but i think it is a little overkill for something that is only used a handfull of times each year...especially when you consider that just across the parking lot, you have classrooms that leak when it rains :
  2. ...i dunno, i think when you mixed the red & orange & green & blue you'd get...mud they could be the mighty mudbugs
  3. very interesting, i never knew the parts about bridge city orangefield & lcm
  4. just don't touch the scoreboard...it might cause the bear graphic to emit that awful sound that passes as a growl.. ;D
  5. what a NIGHTMARE! for grins...add to the thought who would be the ad?
  6. now my man makes a positive reference to the mighty purple whom he scoffs at on another thread?! maybe the guy can be taught! ;D
  7. i see...kind of like siblings who argue amongst themselves...
  8. it's all for grins & giggles unless you speak out against wos or the l-rain...then the smite god sends fire down upon you!
  9. don't you get kicked out of the wigwam for that kind of stuff?! ;D
  10. they thomas guys had a parent employeed with lcm district at the time. that is how they went to lcm...i don't know facts about the others.
  11. how about every team play one friday night at a time!
  12. could happen...never look more than one week ahead
  13. pretty close to hitting the nail on the head with that one. i would have to add that within the district as long as everything looks good on the outside, to the public, then all is well... :
  14. the field that was awful, but that was not the reason that wos had problems. that was a different lcm team out there then. they busted their butts that night. maybe that is what hurt them for the year, to hold wos & go into ot, maybe they got overconfident? i kind of doubt it though. i think the problems are run, run, run & those little squib kicks...
  15. good post wos87
  16. that's just the outlet mall! ;D
  17. make a negative statement about kirbyville & my sad little karma drops even further. good thing i don't have a delicate ego!
  18. 1 state trophy...how cute that would be...compared to how many that are sitting just a few miles away?
  19. you are telling me that 6 months after soccer season ends, they can't have a field in shape? grass seed...they sell it almost everwhere...
  20. blah blah blah...the khs/nhs games were some of the most anticipated years ago....it would be great to see them face off again. i'm sure barbay & co. are ready for the bull, it's horns & all of the other bull (from the other end)too.... just what were the stats from when nhs & khs played? hhuummm?
  21. many of the schools other teams are dominate in their sports, football is just uuummm...lacking...
  22. if kville goes to 2a, could they end up playing newton again? they are afraid of purple... ;D
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