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Everything posted by pigskinmom

  1. as for no varsity coaches leaving, that is very much incorrect
  2. eagles by 7 scored in the 4th
  3. it also runs pretty dang close to the newton eagles
  4. so much for an OPINION on a PUBLIC FORUM!
  5. i'm simply saying that team slogans are best when they are not made up by a head coach, hoping to launch something. the bears have made some strides in the past few years, but the coaching staff turn over rate is MUCH higher than usual. that simply points to the head coach. people can't say it is him weeding out coaches from the "old program" because most of the coaches that he brings in only last 1 year. you can't build tradition with a slogan like bojo. sorry pointing out the obvious offends, but it is simple logic...
  6. maybe shaw can bring some extra bandages...i think bojo gonna get a bobo!
  7. seats are never a problem at battlin' bear stadium...it's the 12 mile hike from you car to the field! ha ha!
  8. i think most of texas knows about mustang football...they have dominated in every class they have been in
  9. isn't vidor down another coach too?
  10. bojo schmojo...that is the MOST idiotic thing i have EVER seen bears over come, join as one?! i think the liquor store mascot outside of their administration building made that one up!
  11. & size can become a disadvantage late in the game when as a whole you have no speed. salter's torn hammy isn't going to heal & him be at 100% by friday.
  12. wos over lcm...hooks has years of expierence over moody. his young team will have to play hard for the win, but they will win.
  13. love him or hate him, hook's boys would walk through a brick wall if he told them to. in se tx, there are only 2 men to brag about coaching under...dan hooks is one of them & curtis barbay is the other...
  14. i think it is on kogt 1600
  15. bojo "maniac moody" must be stacking the votes!
  16. bojo shcmojo...and why on earth would moody try to copy MOJO of all the tag lines to try to swipe? does he think that saying "BOJO" will make them have mojo magic? be original dude! there are a thousand websites that have a gazillion catch phrases...then last season he tried to take the chain gang thing from wos! the lcm players were given little pieces of chain like from a little kids swing set or something, not a dan hooks piece of chain, that those guys earn & bust their butts for, it was embarassing...hello?! that school is just across town...everybody shops at the same wal-mart, you can see chain gang on their wos football t-shirts! don't think you can just paint the idea green & gold & call it your own!
  17. i can't believe this is even a topic?! i would love to be able to flip a magic switch and somehow have what SOME coaches say to players go out over the pa system at a football game. ANY parent that gives this a pass is an idiot! if you as a parent, have to scream & curse at a child to motivate them to do anything, you should have your ability to reproduce taken away. to give an authority figure and a role model, as SOME coaches are, an ok on dropping f bombs is insane. if a man has to resort to screaming foul language at a player to motivate him, then in my opinion the coach is not much of a man to begin with...that is one of the main purposes of a high school sport right? to teach life long values & build boys into men? or maybe this is where the truth comes out & SOME coaches are just living in their glory days trying to avoid growing up themselves?!...maybe they were never that great of an athlete anyway, still saying to themselves...back in the 80's maybe they could all throw a pigskin a quarter mile...if coach had just put me in we could have gone to state!? ha ha...
  18. i guess i just have not seen anything overly impressive to warrant all of this "moody mania" what makes you say he is the "real deal"?
  19. wos hands down. i have sat on the side lines of both teams for years. the young wos team will have to work for the win unlike in some years from the past, but they will come out on top. and as far as moody goes, he created his own problems at lcm...if you think he is such a nice guy why does his coaching staff have an above average turn over rate every year? those exiting say he is a little on the paranoid side....
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