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Everything posted by HardHitter55

  1. well normally i would agree with because rhodes played rb, lb and returned kicks and punts (which definately gives him the edge over garrett), but since johson played qb on a team where the previous year their senior qb was the only one who saw play time and the second string was also a senior, johnson played a HUGE role in silsbee i think rhodes has the edge though just because of all the positions he played
  2. in know you guys from lumberton would love an upset but its not gonna happen. its gonna come down to you guys or dayton for the big game dayton- 49 livingston- 14
  3. i dont remember wo-s defense ever looking weak... maybe that was just me
  4. lumberton has a great football team and have had a great season. however, i think lumberton beats waller but their season ends with dayton who is even better than they were when lumberton played them before. dayton has a new qb and things seem to be working VERY well for them right. on lumbertons defense, hussey is a great runnning back and dejohn is good too. they also beat la marque... thats some braggin rights in itself
  5. Dayton-49 Livingston-14 Lumberton-35 Waller-14 WO-S-35 La Vega-42 Kirbyville-31 China Spring-38 Newton-28 Tatum-24
  6. this oughta be a great game to watch i wish i could be there
  7. well thats possible because rhodes lead his team to the playoffs, but like it was said by stiger85, johnson was a sophmore and rhodes was a senior and johson had a better season on paper so i guess we'll just have to see whenever wo-s and k-ville are done
  8. well so much for biased lol i think silsbee had a really good team with some tough breaks this season they will have some 1st teamers, however, i dont think they will have that many i think the qb johnson is a definate shoe in fot the district mvp though. he's a great athlete and put up the best numbers in the district. rhodes and garrett will definately give him a good run for his money. i dont really know a wholel lot about the o-lines in the district other than silsbee and they seem pretty good but like i said i dont know anything about the other ones. i know h-f has a really good center. jasper had some good ones too and so did wo-s. regardless, the all-district team could beat any other 3a all district team in the state! lol
  9. District MVP Offensive MVP Defensive MVP 1st offense 2nd offense 1st defense 2nd defense please try not to be biased
  10. yea i agree coop so... silsbee wins 21- 3a?
  11. castle is NUMBER 2 in rushing yards!!!!
  12. well Castle is second in rushing yards Johnsons a qb... not a rb
  13. so anything else kicker?
  14. nice observation mclovin i think your right
  15. yea that guy trips me out lol but on the real leonidas, if you dont wanna read then dont let us talk about whatever we wanna talk about
  16. you can go back to sparta "leonidas"
  17. I just wanted to know who everyone thought was the best out of the top five in 21-3a
  18. oh, now dont get me wrong... wo-s is a great team, they always are but regardless, a great game is underway between these two powerhouse football teams
  19. lol well obviously this was a misunderstanding, i was tlkaing about kirbyville when i said that. but yea only seven points in district i got more respect for wo-s than that, granted though, silsbee does have a real shot at taking district from them for the first time since they've been in 3a
  20. oh really? whys that? you cant just say "NO!" with no reason... that kinda defeats the purpose of this forum...
  21. lol thats question that everyone is waiting to get the answer to huh?
  22. yea i agree with you i cant wait until the silsbee vs. wo-s game though it'll be a good one
  23. oh... i dont know. im thinkin based on 1000 some odd yards in total offense silsbee has in the last two games, the 98 points, and only giving up seven on defense. based on that. no trash talk, i thought is was a very mild statement considering all the trash talk that kvilleballa did this summer and preseason. im not real sure what happened to the last team, all i remember is a big loss to wo-s...
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