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Everything posted by Whoa

  1. Yes, he gives the impression that he is privileged, I am sure from being a great athlete and Mom and Dad being coaches at his school he had all the "passes" needed. another "poor me" story from a kid that has been in the paper every year he has been at bama for trouble not football Fact
  2. Simple--they have no tradition, school board that is not educated, intellectual incest in that they have a brother-in-law system. no pay for teachers, bush league facilities, fire/hire coaches based on a whim. WHY would anyone want to work there???
  3. God loves us all and is all forgiving.
  4. All you need is Educational Guardianship to make decisions on a child's school issues. Nothing against Central/Ozen, etc...BUT if the kid is THAT good there are much better programs in Texas and especially throughout the USA for him to attend. Kelly, in the past, has allowed basketball kids to go for free. Yes, even the Catholic's like sport. there were a couple of PA kids that did this a few years ago, don't remember their names
  5. from about 1960 till around 1970 we ate either there, Gulfway Drive fish burger or the fishnet on Bluebonnet on Fridays Chatholic peeps. Then when we started dating ate there often 72-77. Had 35 cent burgers, $5 gas, up and down the drag -73 Malibu SS - and movie at the Village $10/15 max. The Luke's owned the one on Nederland Ave turned into Hardee's. Remember Drakes on Nederland Ave?
  6. from what I remember she went deep in the playoffs every year. This year district coach of the year? No Bueno, must of made someone mad!
  7. how can anyone have any compassion for this person. She robbed, cheated, etc... The $ ment for educating children. she cheated the system and was biased in giving favor to her connections. THE most racist public figure I can recall. The tactics of the Butch regime were criminal and Cory will continue to get the rest.
  8. She is a racist that took advantage of her "privileged" position and relationships to benefit financially and was part of THE most disgraceful Admin. SB, Hanger ons, etc...in the History of Texas Education. Their scores, UIL improprieties, racism, giving $$$$ to their fellow buddies is unforgivable. why do You think they are/will be GOING TO JAIL??? thank God for Cory, he is on a mission, that's why he hung on to finish cleaning house.
  9. That is one jacked up ISD. Their SB and Admin, pathetic, look at the VB coaching situation. nuff said!
  10. Another good read is Framework to Poverty by Ruby Payne gives insight to the how/why different races, typically act differently and why.
  11. Fair enough, hope you are right. Just an observation, why do we not see uproar when Black cops treat white folk bad? Does that mean a) white folk don't get upset? doesn't happen to white folks? C) all white folks do what the police say?
  12. Only an Aggies would use two preceding 0s. Curious, If the cops were African American slamming ?????? Say Perry, would the same attention be given? It will get interesting with the racial make up of PtA gov.
  13. Do you really believe they aren't better? I am 58 and remember segregated schools, little league, etc... in fact, now in PAISD The Football, basketball, volleyball, track, golf, baseball, softball coaches as well as the AD, Supt., principals, dept heads, 99% of the School Board, all non-whites? Am I correct?
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