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Everything posted by Whoa

  1. I was told - by a 35 year+ HS coach, still coaching - that only relief pitchers can go back in. NOT starters Never coached HS Baseball I don't know
  2. Not racial at all just the facts.
  3. Are there not ex administrators in PRISON??? Is Calvin Walker not tied up in court??? I BELIEVE THOSE ARE FACTS??? Seriously are those not true statements?????????????????
  4. Number 1 reason is the district, administrators, board members are proven in a court of law to be TOTALLY CORRUPT!!! Starting with Carrol Thomas, Calvin Walker etc...
  5. Seriously, this decision is a pathetic one that further shows how incompetent and narrow minded BISD is. Hasn't coached in a decade. HS TO BE A BROTHER-IN-LAW DEAL.
  6. As long as its not Faircoth!! I am thinking Monte may out coach PNG for the foreseeable future. Larry taught him well!! Is their all world Defensive Coor coming back at PNG? Hell of a coach, his defense held opponents to 74 points per game --
  7. Am I wrong but wasn't Dubois WAY more successful at HJ than this Sloan guy? Didn't a GR guy interview for the Nederland job???
  8. Wasn't he at Deweyville a while back? His wife works HF too. I understand a really outstanding young assistant from another team (in your district) is applying.
  9. I see you just joined in (6 post) you must be kin/friends with the ex coach. There is nothing good about HF sports PERIOD!! - Why move to a little town in rural North Texas when Houston has the best Medical center in the US??? 45 minutes away Oh where is Dale?????
  10. I've said it before HF athletics is a joke. pretty good kids - better athletes move to NISD or PNGISD where they can get some coaching and consistency Matt Burnett 19 years and Fairyclooth at 10 years or so Neauman 25 or so etc... That s' the difference PNG and NISD has had 2 coaches in the last 30 years OH WOS 2 in their school history Bottom line if you have a talented athlete MOVE to a district that has a School Board with some sense and education ALL fault - good or bad - fall on the School Board - Success too credit the SB
  11. Are you sure the the HC is coming back?
  12. I would never hire him knowing he left the Kids at WOS holding the bucket - \How would you feel if you sere a WOS player of parent??
  13. as Wosgrad said with success last year and no inappropriate documented behavior eyebrows will be raised read the news paper Kirbyville on the front page a lot and yes they may have to start holding HFs beer
  14. anyone who would sign a contract at Kirbyville at this point with their turmoil Is CRAZY and yes Jones had a chance to 1 up him -- remember this, the table may turn the other way Karma its a bi*&^ embarrass a man and his family in the community they live in --- deserve whatever happens
  15. 2004 lost about 1/2 recovered by about 2010. I am up as of yesterday from the bad days last week or so. Don't sell don't lose kinda mind set Up 306.95 today
  16. 1st lets get one thing straight!! PNG has the BEST DC in the state - Faircloth said so! BUT that's from a gut who cant beat Nederland -
  17. THANK GOD OUR PRESIDENT HAS GOT THINGS BACK IN ORDER!!! Stock market setting record highs, illegals turned away ALMOST got to stop welfare checks to the loafers!! God Bless America and God bless our chosen President and leader Donald trump WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!
  18. Well as a matter of FACT the Gov has shut down 18 times since the Congressional Control Act in 1976. Last time was Obama over health care That’s 18 out of 42 years not real frickin unusual.
  19. I don't know of many BBA in Business grads that have to work alongside undocumented workers. Occasionally some degreed folks don't succeed in their degree field. It is a shame that you cant use your degree and must work the same job as an undocumented worker Explains how you only make a "little better" than a teacher Have a good Holiday
  20. I have tried to not comment on your stupid sports post But the redneck bubba post “real job” -well it took me till about age 40 to realize they are the real job. They teach us how to do a real job i am curious what is your degree in? Please respond, I am curious *Mod edit- Language.*
  21. Its about time, many have been riding the welfare roll for 2/3/4 generations. Nice remark about Obbamma striving for this! Love the humor
  22. Thank God for Donald Trump!!!!! If you are a hard working./saving your money American, life is getting better all the time. Limit immigration and cut welfare to the non working bums and We can really be on top again.
  23. H-F will never get better - look at all the boy athletes leaving. Been doing it for years. H-F has great kids - their School Board and Admin are horrible beyond belief.
  24. In no way could the 17 PNG hold a candle to 75 state champs 1 the 17 team wouldn’t have the ball much. 2 think of the coaching staff Doug. Bush. Davis. Nunez. Carswell. Clearman All hall of famers. THINK ABOUT that for a moment, let it soak in. Then Troy and the other long time staff i have the game video. You new it was over when Jack caught the ball Giblin blew up. Only lost 1 game in 75 and last game of 76 seasons 27 & 2
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