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  1. So PA, did yall get in trouble by the "ethics" committee for running up the score a couple weeks ago? Didn't think so. Helps to be head of the "ethics" committee.
  2. 😳 Uh oh. Sounds like someone's been called out. Not the first I've heard of this this year.
  3. just wait until them ****** from Nederland start talking LOL
  4. STJFL signup have started. That means it's time to hear the usual start braggin bout their teams, even though they aint got one yet (at least by the rules). So let's hear it Nederland, PA, etc, who's gonna take it this year (PA), and who's gonna eat their words (Nederland)?
  5. Seriously? Lol Who's talking now?
  6. Junior PA Red beat Ned Black. Cue excuses by DEM BOYZ and BMF
  7. And who still says "douche bag" these days? Lol
  8. Jealous? Lol! I'm a grown man, I don't need to bee on a winning team to feel special and important. I just get fed up with these other "grown men" who have to live through youth sports to have a purpose in life.
  9. ... And you barely beat PA Black. I got PA Red by 18 in SB
  10. Lol that's funny. Your ego been running this forum all season. Along with your tag-a-long BMF
  11. Better team or not, they're a$$es
  12. Always the a$$hole coaches that win. Life lessons kids.
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