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Everything posted by KG03bruins7

  1. GO GET EM ' BROOK... WB  42-21 mustangs will try an attack threw the air. We have to keep containment on the qb.. 
  2. Good game WB nice to see reyes back on the field.. Let's go get them stangs!!!!
  3. Reyes from WB he's a complete player. 
  4. What? Awh man... Go Get Em' Brook... We don't negativity in our organization...
  5. Good game brook ... Congrats to katy on the win.. I'm going say and be done with it katy got lucky plain and simple. WB is the real deal with bruce reyes this kid is amazing I'm proud to be a bruin. Time to get ready for next week GO GET 'EM BROOK.....
  6. You can blitz all you want we will be in the endzone for 6.... Reyes is a beast..
  7. Because we are lil' ol' bmt... We knocking doors down and taking names later... Go get 'em brook ..
  8. Go Get Em brook.. No one can stop reyes and the bruins.. The only way I see us losing is if we don't stay focused. Remember its 70% mental 30% physical... Its payback time baby!!!
  9. I'm as real as they come..... Go Get Em'Brook!!!!
  10. I have been away but im back baby :D BROOK this is the year, 8)  lets make history couple of weeks until week 0 ...
  11. Man im so ready for next season to get here going to be an exciting year for my bruins. As for the rankings are concerned dont really care just get me wins bmt bowl,district, most important state. We dont need the big head going into next season staying focused and accomplish our goals. ;)
  12. I have to say great season for my Bruins even though i did not like the out come. Next year is our year. GO GET 'EM BROOK!!!!!!
  13. :oWoooooooooooooooooooooo Haters :o :o :o :o :o [move]GO GET'EM BROOK STATE BOUND BABY!!!!!!!!!!!![/move]
  14. :owoooooooooooooooo!!!!! ;D Haters  :o :o :o :o 26-21 BROOK [move]GO GET'EM BROOK  8)!!!!![/move]
  15. Going see my Bruins shock the nation FBH is going down, and then see them jags. [move]GO GET EM' BROOK.[/move]
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