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  1. That is the most ignorant and ridiculous quote I’ve ever heard. Albert Einstein spent most of his career at universities teaching and he was absolutely a doer. Most high school and college football coaches are ex-college and professional athletes who are now teaching the game to the youth.
  2. How do you figure? Splendora had 3 TDs called back by crappy Beaumont officials! Should’ve been Splendora by 14-21 points.
  3. Splendora has not benefited what so ever from the growth of the area. If anything, a few kids have moved from Splendora to New Caney. The group of kids on this Splendora team have grown up in Splendora since grade school.
  4. I said it before and I will say it again, why do we keep bringing up the Junior Varsity game? Please from here on out keep that crap on Dayton Broncos JV Facebook page. Oh and by the way dem Wildcats are serving crow for dinner.
  5. Banana pants is on fire. Very witty this morning.
  6. Must be a Dayton parent trying to build up a JV game because their son didn't make varsity
  7. Judges were terrible at both Sweeny and Anahuac for the Girls & Boys Regional Powerlifting Meets. Specifically one judge at both meets. She was responsible for 1/3 of the 26 bomb outs at the boys meet in Anahuac. I understand that powerlifting is an opinion based competition, but when you have half the kids not even making it through squat something has to be changed. There wasn't enough tissues for the tears at the Girls meet because half of the field was wiped out from the judges before squat was over. #powerliftingisadyingcompetetion #powerliftingisnotasport
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