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Everything posted by Jus1o'theguys

  1. and lead the area as #1 in RY first week with 201 lets hope he gets the opportunity to beat last years 1200 yrds
  2. He hit the player on the track!
  3. you're ignorant or cant read!!!!! i never DEFENDED anything...
  4. well.... guess you will have to trust me on that one... but i know for a fact... and i'll leave it at that... i dont wish to "stir the pot"... but nice try.... and NO i am not a student...
  5. lol.. you dont see me on here playing the guessing game and crucicfying.. im trying to stop the dang rumors and just put the thing to rest.. the world today needs more forgivenss and less hate and stirring the pot...talk about the game isnt that what this site is for?
  6. let ANYONE on this post that has NEVER made a very bad choice be the FIRST to crucify ANYONE .....
  7. some people only see what they want to... but you believe what you want... the kid made a terrible choice... he's paying the price.. he wants to make it right.. he should be allowed to do so... and everyone OUTSIDE this issue needs to butt out!
  8. yea that should teach him .......smdh
  9. no... NO ONE in the group text sent it to WOS... and the group text wasn't even about anything to do with WOS and that's why it was ignored in the text to begin with... someone else made a bad decision to screen shot it and stir the pot.... it wasn't the same person who created it... and both have been dealt with... severely
  10. ok... you're not listening to what i am saying.. ......... but anyways....it has been handled and the people involved in its entirety have been punished... severely...
  11. no? i NEVER said any of it was "ok".... what i AM saying is that several people are saying that BC blasted this kid all over Twitter... there are a lot of "rumors" going around... i simply wanted to give some facts and leave it at that.. but i NEVER agreed or excused it even being created... absolutely NOT! It IS sad that this has happened. and absolutely wrong... again.. don't assume.. read merely the facts
  12. that is NOT true... a MOM did NOT screen shot this
  13. and i SAID that... and that is WHY i said that.. PLEASE read the post in its entirety i am NOT excusing it AT ALL... but if you don't want ALL the facts and want to make comments based on hear say or assumption... ok
  14. really? because they don't talk about their rivalries in group messages? The group message was ignored and no one commented on it... it was not condoned.. and again i was not excusing it at all... but there are mentions of this kids pic being all over twitter and BC didn't post it on twitter.. WOS did
  15. The "golden rule" isn't being taught anymore and hasn't and its this generation that we see what that does in the end... also.. teens music, video games, idols (athletes etc) bring a LOT of this to the table and its in all they hear over and over.. i can see where a child that has been raised "right" can make a bad choice and not think about consequences of those choices... it's called maturity... and in this case, it cost a lot more than shame... sad that our world is coming to this.. it's not just this one incident that has taken place.. this is a growin problem that was NOT around when i was a kid... but then again, we were allowed to pray and we memorized the golden rule in school... as well as the 10 commandments.. it's not about religion or wosrhipping a God its about good morals....
  16. just so ya'll know this was in a private group message to begin with... and NO it should have NEVER been sent or created... but someone OUTSIDE the football program got their hands on it and sent it to the student... that's plain evil to want to hurt someone like that... it was NOT the football player that sent it or posted it... once received, WOS posted it on twitter.. so just to clarify BC did NOT post this on TWITTER... not an excuse for creating it... but clarification on how this went down
  17. oh it WILL be addressed and already has.... it will NOT go unscathed... i know that for a fact
  18. i dont..... there is way too much of this in todays world... we don't need to fuel this for all involved..have you ever made a mistake? . it won't do ANYTHING positive for the situation except bring MORE hate to the situation... please don't fuel this... allow the guilty to make things right ....also i read your other post about being in BC or Vidor as a kid and feeling unsafe... i am sorry that you experienced that... when i was a kid this was not an issue... or if it was i was ignorant to it... but the world today has brought so much division.... even with one stupid mistake i still believe the majority in our communities don't feel this way and even with good ol rivalries when the going gets really tough we ALL come together for each other... at least that is what i am going to claim and what i have taught my kids through the years... let's pray for a good, safe game Friday night and that all affected humble themselves, find healing and forgiveness...
  19. unless you are aware of ALL the details and how these other members reacted you shouldn't assume anything.... there is a lot of leadership on that team and it will be dealt with appropriately and not tolerated... don't stoke the fire please... there's enough hate in today's world... give them the opportunity to make it right... unless yourself has never made a mistake?
  20. Right here... and we don't condone and the other members of this team do not approve of this kind of behavior.... it is not a representation of all BC..... let's not stoke the fire...there's enough hate in the world today... let the one who made the mistake have the opportunity to make it right....
  21. let's not encourage anything please.... one kid made a mistake.... let's not add fuel to the fire.... it is wrong and the other team members don't condone or feel the same.... let's hope for a straight up game on Friday.... without the hate on either side
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