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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Newton-Lumberton up first
  2. This is pretty good [Hidden Content]
  3. There are lots of rich and powerful that wanted this guy dead. It was convenient that he suicided the same day that names started coming out in his investigation. Committing suicide while on suicide watch isn’t that easy. It’s almost like he had some help.
  4. Awesome story
  5. Trump is literally Hitler. I can’t believe he is making them play soccer and Xbox [Hidden Content]
  6. Epstein get suicided? No way he makes it to trial [Hidden Content]
  7. Trans is suing for discrimination because the beauty shop won’t wax “her” balls [Hidden Content]
  8. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a movie trailer [Hidden Content]
  9. This is my favorite story of the day. Bernie Sanders' campaign staff has unionized and is demanding a $15 per hour "living wage" and 100%-paid health care for those earning under $60k. The campaign leadership has thus far resisted. [Hidden Content]
  10. More info coming out about Omar marrying her brother and committing immigration fraud. I wonder is MSM will touch this. Tons Of More Evidence Here
  11. [Hidden Content] You want a good laugh, read the list at this link: [Hidden Content] education is becoming a farce. Let banks do the student loans and get all this liberal crap out of education or college is pointless, IMO.
  12. I guess they have nothing better to worry about Berkeley, California, has adopted an ordinance to replace some terms with gender-neutral words in the city code. The San Francisco Chronicle reports Wednesday that “she” and “he” will be replaced by “they.” The words “manpower” and “manhole” will become “workforce” and “maintenance hole.” [Hidden Content]
  13. This article is from yesterday. I’m sure it’s way more by now CNN and MSNBC have said the word "racist" more than 1,100 times since Sunday [Hidden Content]
  14. Deggs to UL. Good fit [Hidden Content] Sam is a good job for an up and coming coach.
  15. Man killed after attacking ICE facility. I’m glad he’s dead, but some of the blame should be placed on AOC and the other liberal idiots basically calling for attacks like this. I don’t get how elected officials can encourage people to break laws and get away with it [Hidden Content]
  16. They should all be arrested. On the bright side, Trump will make some good campaign ads from these idiots. [Hidden Content]
  17. Bombshell Claim: Scientists Find "Man-made Climate Change Doesn't Exist In Practice" [Hidden Content]
  18. I think that’s good, right?
  19. They may have to play offense with 2 balls [Hidden Content]
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