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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Before and after. I guess Socialism is good for dropping weight
  2. Inflation will reach 10 million%. A cup of coffee went from .50b to 800b
  3. Things getting chippy for Socialist Maduro. A new President just swore himself in with the support of the US. Isnt Venezuala the Socialist Utopia that we all dream about?
  4. Not mad. Just thing it’s funny. One of these is not like the other From September to January he went from being a 3 star to 5 star and their main reason is "there's so much that a talent like that can develop into". He's one of the best recruits in the nation because what he can be, not what he is right now.Let's compare and contrast the top 2 Safeties in the nation based on their offer list. #1 S - Daxton Hill (23rd)#2 S - Tyler Owen's (24th)Daxton Hill #1 Safety nationThis is just 16 of his 26 offers. Every blue blood program, playoff team, and every team that makes an argument to be ranked within each and every season. Tyler Owens #2 Safety in the nation These are the 14 offers he has....Need I say more?
  5. Hmmm
  6. Anyone else find it funny that the Muslim congresswoman is siding with the Black Hebrew Israelites? I’m pretty sure they would throw her off a building if they had the chance, but I guess she is used to being suppressed by males.
  7. Starkel is transferring. He will be a good QB somewhere with 2 years to play
  8. Maxine is going after the banks Waters has it in for banks. She blames them for the 2 million loans to low-income borrowers that went sour more than a decade ago, causing widespread foreclosures and the 2008 financial meltdown. “I have not forgotten,” she warned bankers as she prepared for her powerful new role, that “you foreclosed on our houses . . . had us sign on the line for junk and for mess that we could not afford.” She added: “I’m going to do to you what you did to us.” That’s Waters’ distorted interpretation of what happened. In fact, throughout the 1980s and ’90s, Congress used the Community Reinvestment Act and anti-discrimination laws to coerce banks into making mortgage loans to low-income borrowers with lousy credit ratings and, in some cases, no down payment. The idea was to promote minority home ownership. But when the borrowers couldn’t pay, lawmakers turned on the banks, accusing them of predatory lending. Waters is poised to repeat that failed experiment. [Hidden Content]
  9. They are telling the truth on the View for once [Hidden Content]
  10. It’s always good for recruiting rankings when you can create your own 4 stars just by talking to them. Hookfin signed with Texas over Baylor, Illinois, Minnesota, & Alcorn St. Texas calls and his ranking shoots up over 1,000 spots in a few weeks. [Hidden Content] Owens jumped up 556 spots and picked up another star a few days after committing to Texas. He chose them over powerhouses such as Boston College, Brown, UH, & Baylor. [Hidden Content]
  11. She’s not old enough yet. She can’t even run for Senate yet. Hopefully she’s gone way before 2028 when she’s actually eligible.
  12. Interesting take that I’ve seen. Rumors are that RBG is on life support. This attack on the Catholic kids is just a precursor to Amy Coney Barrett being nominated for the Supreme Court. She has black kids, so the racist thing is out. She's female, so no #Metoo. The libs have already been going after the Knights of Columbus in other appointees. It's seems her being Catholic is all they have. Painting all Catholics as bad seems like a good place to start.
  13. The jokes write themselves Austin is building a wall to keep out homeless [Hidden Content]
  14. She’s the best! The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change [Hidden Content]
  15. More #FakeNews about the kids in MAGA hats [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. They are starting to realize they are #FakeNews? CNN's @JeffreyToobin on Buzzfeed story and the Special Counsel's response: "I just think this is a bad day for us... it reinforces every bad stereotype about the news media." cnn.it/2sxa9sI [Hidden Content]
  18. Fake news is fake [Hidden Content]
  19. If true this is a BF deal.Bye Bye Trade War? China Plans $1 Trillion Buying Spree to Reduce US Trade DeficitChina has extended the olive branch back to the United States by offering a path to eliminate Washington's burgeoning trade deficit with the country, Bloomberg reported Friday. The news comes less than a day after The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump administration was considering lifting tariffs amid the ongoing trade war.China Proposes Six-Year Buying SpreeCiting sources familiar with the matter, Bloombergreported Friday that China has offered to significantly boost its purchase of U.S. goods over a six-year period in an effort to re-balance trade between the two superpowers. By increasing its annual imports from the United States, Beijing would reduce its trade surplus to zero by 2024. That would require a spending boost of more than $1 trillion.
  20. Trump signed the last budget and made it very clear that he wouldn’t sign another one without money for the wall. They have had plenty of time to figure something out. Trump is sticking to his word.
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