He claimed a few days ago that a FF(false flag) would happen to distract everyone from the memo. People are assuming it’s the train crash that luckily wasn’t as bad as it could have been.
He speaks in code so you do have to decipher what he’s saying, but he’s been spot on on a lot of things. It’s fun conspiracy stuff that seems to come true quite a bit.
You need to read the Q Anon stuff. It’s wild conspiracy stuff, but a lot of his predictions have come true. It’s definitely someone close to trump. I think it’s Stephen Miller.
The Truth is Stranger than Fiction....
This is from last night
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His great uncle says "ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do for your country"Grand nephew says "you deserve what you ask for from gov, and my party will give it to you at others expense"JFK was closer to Trump than his own family. Pretty sick.