Curt Shilling was fired from espn over the transgendered bathroom deal. He said if you have a *%#*, use the men's. If you don't, use the women's. It's really pretty self explanatory, but the Libs at espn fired him for explaining basic anatomy.
“Faith-based relief groups are responsible for providing nearly 80 percent of the aid delivered thus far to communities with homes devastated by the recent hurricanes.”
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No clue. Mond's dad and Kevin Murray supposedly have that same helicopter thing in common. Sumlin has screwed up some pretty good QB's when that is supposed to be his specialty.
I guess it just makes me mad that any time you turn on the Tv or Radio they show the number to donate to the Red Cross. It must be nice to be tied into the govt and steal much needed donations.
Local churches and other businesses stepped up and did a much better job without all of the red tape. Those places deserve our support and business.
The media doesn't report all of the complaints which I have seen a lot this week. A councilman from Houston finally tells people to not waste their money.
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