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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Alexander bought the Rockets for $85mil in '93. Last Forbes estimate was $1.65B but they are projected to go for $2B+ I need my financial advisor to hook me up with something like that....
  2. Rockets are for sale. Uncle Tillman interested. [Hidden Content]
  3. "The Jefferson's" Looks like Malik's mama is still running the show
  4. At least Charlie recruited "high" character guys.... [Hidden Content]
  5. Add another one. At least this guy only shot himself in the head once. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. He wrote that there was "no foul play" in his suicide note... Who does that?
  7. Hmmmm His death, which a police chief called "unusual," had been recorded as "asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in a confined space with helium." Smith was found with a bag over his head and a helium source attached.
  8. I'm not sure this study is really relevant to today's insurance market. Obamacare was signed in March of 2010 and most of his damage didn't go into affect until 2014. It's a totally different market now than it was before Obama destroyed it. "Trish and her team examined 144 million claims from Medicare, Medicare Advantage and commercial firms filed from 2007 to 2012 in metropolitan areas."
  9. Amazon is rated as one of the lowest paid and highest stress tech companies to work for. At least Bezos tries to make up for it with insurance.
  10. You can buy a house in Detroit for the cost of a few 12 packs. May be worth it.
  11. [Hidden Content]
  12. Hopefully the Libs follow this study and quit reproducing in the name of our planet. [Hidden Content]
  13. Turkey pulls out of the Paris Accord once they figured out Trump wasn't going to let the American taxpayers give them billions. At least the guy is honest and admits to what most of us on this forum already knew. It's a redistribution of wealth and nothing more. Erdogan said that when Turkey signed the accord France had promised that Turkey would be eligible for compensation for some of the financial costs of compliance. "So we said if this would happen, the agreement would pass through parliament. But otherwise it won't pass," Erdogan told a news conference, adding that parliament had not yet approved it. "Therefore, after this step taken by the United States, our position steers a course towards not passing this from the parliament," he said. [Hidden Content]
  14. Really? We are already giving her our dollars to pay for her Obamacare......Somehow 2 RN's in the same house can't find work in the most in demand job in the area, so we all pay for her family's healthcare. You should trust other people with your dollars and not govt mooches
  15. I posted links that you can click and read. Is the Washington Post #FakeNews?
  16. There should only be 3 choices 1. Male 2. Female 3. Liberal
  17. I really have no idea which box to check. Libs make this stuff way too confusing.
  18. He thought it would be a good idea to go protest Trump at the G20 Summitt in Germany instead of attending the graduation of new NYC Police officers the same week one of their own was assassinated.
  19. Time for the govt to get involved... [Hidden Content]
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