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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Day without whites [Hidden Content]
  2. White privilege..... [Hidden Content]
  3. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  4. Trump is meeting with the Pope now Malania and Ivanka wore head scarfs for the meeting. They didn't when they were in Saudi Arabia. CNN- Trump's family hates muslims
  5. $12 billion to our local economy seems good to me [Hidden Content]
  6. I'm sure many on this site have been pulled over by this man. He and Burmaster in Beaumont seem to be the most notorious traffic cops in the area. [Hidden Content]
  7. Ummmm.... [Hidden Content]
  8. How many houses does one person need?!?
  9. Are we sure they weren't just clockmakers?
  10. I wonder when they will protest this statue [Hidden Content],_Seattle
  11. I really hope the Lakers pass on him at #2
  12. What a classy bunch [Hidden Content]
  13. Bring on the real UT!
  14. Texas St is pretty good. At least Texas forced their pitcher to throw a ton of pitches in their 12 inning game. Hopefully she's tired for the game against the Ags tomorrow.
  15. Any reason you skipped over my post that revealed what Trump actually said?
  16. Do you think we should spend money and resources bringing millions of refugees into our country that hate us and want to change our culture? How do the refugees benefit us? Would those resources be better spent on educating our kids(see article I posted) or helping our poor that are actually citizens? I've still never been told how they refugees benefit us? I guess if Trump is for something then it must be racist etc. and the lefties will attack.
  17. He supposedly told the Russians about a new laptop bomb ISIS is using to blow up airplanes. I would hope Trump shares this info with every country that has planes flying in and out of the US. [Hidden Content]
  18. Another article that the lefties on this site will conveniently forget to read [Hidden Content]
  19. [Hidden Content]
  20. Early signing period and official visits in April of junior year. [Hidden Content]
  21. That is a great question. This stuff confuses me too....
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