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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Any reason you skipped over my post that revealed what Trump actually said?
  2. Do you think we should spend money and resources bringing millions of refugees into our country that hate us and want to change our culture? How do the refugees benefit us? Would those resources be better spent on educating our kids(see article I posted) or helping our poor that are actually citizens? I've still never been told how they refugees benefit us? I guess if Trump is for something then it must be racist etc. and the lefties will attack.
  3. He supposedly told the Russians about a new laptop bomb ISIS is using to blow up airplanes. I would hope Trump shares this info with every country that has planes flying in and out of the US. [Hidden Content]
  4. Another article that the lefties on this site will conveniently forget to read [Hidden Content]
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Early signing period and official visits in April of junior year. [Hidden Content]
  7. That is a great question. This stuff confuses me too....
  8. And Chris Cornell.... Dang, rough morning
  9. I would think your party would agree since Trump leans more to the left than most conservatives. If they would quit whining they could probably actually get some things done.
  10. Maybe that's why the Libs were so upset when it came out that Pence will not allow himself to be alone in a room with a woman besides his wife. They will have to think of a whole new strategy. Maybe he kicked a dog or something one time.
  11. They were bodyguards of the Turkish President that were beating the crap out of the protestors. You have to love diplomatic immunity.
  12. All of the idiots insulting and protesting her for not toeing the liberal line are the ones that brought race into it. I would think the black community would want role models like this young lady. She's Beautiful, smart, has a good job, and she runs a place that promotes math & science for kids. I'm not black, so what do I know.
  13. My favorite was the UN guy that dropped a dumbbell on his throat the day before he was due to testify against Hillary. At least they are getting creative now. The suicides with 2 shots to the back of the head was getting played out.
  14. If she was white and a democrat it would have never been an issue. Lefties are hammering her online and on social media. They are organizing protest at her future events. They obviously can't stand something, so You tell me what that is?
  15. They may be playing in coference before then. [Hidden Content]
  16. She seems to be very smart. Libs can't stand it.
  17. I guess she's not black enough.
  18. Should be fun
  19. I vote for a Thursday, Friday, Saturday double header at Lamar with BC vs Silsbee & OF vs WOS. Let's make that happen.
  20. Yes. How many did Landry have when he got the job?
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