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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. I thought pot is federal? I know the Feds would randomly raid dispenceries in Colorado and the others. Maybe that's just the stores selling it and not just individuals.
  2. Travel has been restricted many times by multiple Presidents throughout our country's history. The laws give the President total power to protect our country. Did you need a safe space when your hero Obama banned travel from Iraq in 2011? I bet you didn't even know about it, because the news forgot to cover it.
  3. Here you go
  4. California has many areas that are conservative. My question is, did the people you "read" about not listen to one word that came out of Trump's mouth in the last year and a half?!?
  5. That was my main issue. I believe they should legalize it and tax the hell out of it. I don't believe that cites or counties should be able to decide what federal laws they will enforce.
  6. I just don't get why they protest carrying Mexican flags, since Mexico is a country they fled and don't want to go back to.
  7. #ADayWithoutImmigrants was today Anyone notice it at all?
  8. Why do you deserve anything without working for it?
  9. Thoughts? [Hidden Content]
  10. Black students deserve free college!! Their great-great grandparents might have been slaves, so the taxpayers owe it to them. [Hidden Content]
  11. Barrow has been at Nederland for 20+ years as a position coach then coordinator. He could have left a long time ago if he really wanted to. The AD title isn't all that people on this board make it out to be except it comes with a pay raise.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Trump needs to start firing people like he did on TV [Hidden Content]
  14. Dems are sure focusing on the important stuff! It's a really good show by the way. I would recommend watching the old ones until it's starts back up in March.
  15. That Tweet that the NYT and the Dems keep quoting was from the Twitter account Not Michael Flynn. How dumb do they have to be to source a parody account? Tomi is a little easier to watch that other video
  16. I would guess Monte is named head coach with English taking over as the AD.
  17. Here you go Bluedove. You can send all of your proof here. [Hidden Content]
  18. The IRS will no longer ask if you had insurance. Is that the end of the mandate? [Hidden Content]
  19. They had lingerie week last week and I missed it. How am I just now hearing about this?!? I still haven't eaten there. In other news.... This place is pretty good [Hidden Content]
  20. Average Joe in the mall see's a Muslim Bookstore... Very intrigued, and having never seen one before he goes in. He approaches a worker, and asks for a book explaining the Donald Trump immigration policy... the worker says "Kiss my ass! Get out of here! Don't ever come back!" The guy says, "That's the one! Can I get it in paperback?"
  21. What were Navy, SMU, & Memphis ranked?
  22. Another one bites the dust.... [Hidden Content]
  23. You do know that Flynn is a registered Democrat, right?
  24. See a few post above yours. It did happen, but When Obama was in the White House..... The fake news forgot to fact check that part. [Hidden Content]
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