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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. I was happy with her performance. It isn't my choice of music, but it was refreshing to see her not try to make a political statement at the biggest football game of the year. I miss the good old days when entertainers just entertained.
  2. He's busy trying to dig up some dirt on Nederland....
  3. Awesome game. That dumba%% kicker cost me $500 missing that PAT. What idiot decided it was a good idea to back the kick up that far? Stupid
  4. I haven't seen someone blow that big of a lead since Hillary's 2016 Presidential Campaign....
  5. He was released to his mom, so he didn't go to jail. Dad's already in the pen. As much as Soulja wanted to believe it, he doesn't play sports for Nederland.
  7. CNN's Don Lemon reported that the Berkeley rioters were actually conservitives just trying to make the left look bad. The students were peacefully protesting when a bunch of masked conservatives ran up and started destroying the campus. How is this guy on TV?
  8. Whites should pay reparations to blacks according to this idiot professor [Hidden Content]
  9. Art's text messages released. What a POS! [Hidden Content]
  10. We're Rich, bi***! [Hidden Content]
  11. At least he didn't say they needed to recruit like they're Kansas. Oh wait.....
  12. The fake news was all over this guy who said his mom died because of Trump's travel ban. Whoops! She died 5 days before the ban was even announced! [Hidden Content]
  13. I just usually don't "pull over to the side of the road to use the phone" in sketchy areas.
  14. My biggest issue is the elected officials that tell the police to stand down and let these idiots destroy property. 1 arrest was made which is ludicrous. The lady in the Trump hat that was mased by a thug needs to file assault charges immediately. Peaceful Protesting is fine and protected under our Constitution. Once you start looting, damaging property, and blocking roads then your a$$ needs to go to jail. The police need to be allowed to do their jobs.
  15. Just ironic that this is happening at Berkeley where they always used to protest free speech. My kid got invited to an engineering camp at Berkeley this summer. I was about to write a big check, but thankfully these idiots saved me some money.
  16. They were protesting a speech by Milo and destroyed the campus. Only 1 person arrested.... [Hidden Content]
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. Maybe tu's bagmen took the year off
  19. The story doesn't add up imo [Hidden Content]
  20. Avg ranking of all of the sites [Hidden Content]
  21. Ole Miss must have ran out of cash. They finished 36th. Baylor's new coach did a heck of a job to finish with the 32nd ranked class. He had 1 commit when he was hired.
  22. Emmitt looks good in Maroon. Maybe he still has some eligibility left.
  23. Marvin Wilson signed with Florida St. Jimbo signed 3 of the top 5 players in the country.
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