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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. I wonder how we would be doing as a country if Obama would have just given that $75k to each person working and let them try to make their life better? Couldnt be any worse I guess.
  2. She/he/it needs a safe space (and some serous psychological logical help)
  3. It's called being a leader.... He spoke about "we", "you/your", and "America" over an over. He said the word "I" twice and never said "me" or "my". FWIW, this is the line he said "I"
  4. Dave is awesome! [Hidden Content]
  5. I just flipped to CNN and it was the first thing I heard. I was pretty shocked. Actually the whole CNN panel was talking positive about Trump's message. It looks like CNN has commenced the a$$ kissing so Trump doesn't completely cut their access. It may be a little too late for that.
  6. Head Racist Agitator, Van Jones just said Trump's speech was effective. Wow! Hell has frozen over....
  7. My insurance went up $900 a month and my deductible almost quadrupled. I guess that's fake news also.
  8. CNN was talking about the small crowds and showing this pic claiming it was right before the inauguration. Same picture with the actual time stamp of when it was taken. FAKE NEWS!!
  9. Not SETX, but Navasota was dumb to run him off.
  10. He pays what the law allows. Do you pay more taxes than you are required to out of the goodness of your heart?
  11. The Tolerant Left
  12. Safe spaces are going to have overcrowding issues when the libs figure out that Trump is messing with Big Bird and Elmo. [Hidden Content]
  13. Check out the govts Pace Loan program that is designed to promote energy efficiency in homes and buildings. It's going to cause the next housing crisis when people can't pay these loans back. This video explains it a little better [Hidden Content]
  14. I thought Chuckie was making them better men. 5 core values and such.
  15. Beale St is great, but don't venture too far from there. Memphis can get scary quick. You need more than 1 night in Nashville. It's really a great city. If it was me, I would skip Miami blowing out some directional school and spend 3 days in Nashville.
  16. Okie Lt has lost 6 straight and is in last place in the Big 12. Texas is 1-5 and in 9th place out of 10 teams, with their only conference win against 0-6 Okie Lt. A&M is terrible too if that makes it any better.
  17. I wrote there instead of their *fixed it though
  18. A&M has a lot of holes to fill. I don't see them having the talent to make a run like last year.
  19. I've been a Cowboy's fan since birth. I have pictures of me growing up in Tony Dorsett and Danny White jerseys. The Super Bowl years when I was in High School were amazing, and my parents had parties every Sunday for the games. Step dads best friend drove a Miller Lite truck and would stop by our house to load us up after his stop at the store on the corner each week. With that said, I still root for the Texans. They are my 2nd favorite team. I have been to way more Oilers and Texan games in my life, mainly because it's closer and I get free tickets often but whatever. If both games are on at the same time, I watch Dallas. If not, then I get to watch both. If they play a real game, then I would cheer for the Cowboys. I don't really care about preseason. Point is that most local Dallas I know are the same. They don't care about the Texans. It's not like they play each other and it's a big local rivalry. Houston fans are just Dallas haters and it's as simple as that. I guess it's little brother syndrome.
  20. Clemens, Bonds, McGwire, Sosa etc were the greatest of their era. Everyone was doing it(including Bagwell imo) and they were the greatest. The MLB made more money on that era than any before or since. Let them all in and try to keep it from happening in the future. Pete Rose should be in also....
  21. You are or were a school teacher right? Most of the federal/state school boards that set our curriculum are huge liberals, which is pretty much well known. They are directly leading to the dumbing down of our kids with their policies of just teaching them to pass the state test, instead of preparing them for the real world. I guess that's a good way to secure votes forever, but it's terrible for our society as a whole. I would hope that the Poet who wrote the poem would at least be able to answer these 7th & 8th grade STAAR test questions about her own poem, but I guess that's a lot to ask of the original author. The liberal that wrote the test questions probably knows way more about what she meant than the actual poet. *note- this link is from big girls favorite, the Huffington Post, so it can't be Fake News [Hidden Content]
  22. I caught a Bagwell HR ball during is rookie year when I was like 10 years old. Some old man tackled me and took the ball. I hope that guy died a slow painful death.
  23. I knew liberals were dumb, but this takes the cake. [Hidden Content] Civil rights groups are concerned that the police will violate their rights during the Inauguration protests so they intend to record their behavior. Meanwhile, the ACLU is demanding that the police turn off their body worn cameras during the events. [Hidden Content]
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