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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet and other countries are already kissing his ass.
  2. You have no clue how business works and you keep proving it over and over on this site.
  3. Probably because he is normally sleeping and getting ready for that early Tee time the next morning.
  4. Trump underperformed Romney on whites and over performed Romney on all of the other races. This "whitewash" is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Plain and simple, dems didn't show up for Hillary. She got less turnout than Kerry and there are 40 million more voters today.
  5. That's all they have. Now they are rioting. 5 people shot at a Seattle protest just now. Were there any protest when Obama won in 2008 & 2016? I don't remember.....
  6. California voting on the important stuff [Hidden Content]
  7. The line is 10 to 10.5 now. That's still a little high, but a little more realistic.
  8. I've never tried it, but as soon as I get cancer I'll start smoking and turn vegan. I've seen a lot of studies that show it helps, but Big Pharma lobbies to keep it illegal so they can keep raking in the money. I have a family member that I work with closely that smokes daily. He's a multimillionaire business owner with ADHD. He's all over the place without it and I can't work with him. Each morning and after lunch each day he runs home for a minute then comes back ready to go. It works for him and I don't believe he would have near the business without it.
  9. Looks like Pot was a big winner yesterday. [Hidden Content]
  10. Haha. What a joke You are right though, as I do fear my power being taken away. My power to choose my doctor and insurance. My power to own and operate my business without interference and regulation from govt. My power to carry and defend myself and family if the situation ever arises. My right to be represented by elected officials that aren't bought and owned by large corporations and foreign country. I could keep going if you really want me to, but I doubt you will respond anyways. I guess when the race card is the only thing you have, you might as well play it.
  11. Trump's 1st Tweet as President Elect
  12. She was Trump's campaign manager that took over a few months ago. [Hidden Content]
  13. KellyAnne Conway should be able to name her salary. Pay that woman her money...
  14. She gone
  15. Podesta just told everyone to go to bed
  16. Podesta sent to speak for Clinton. She won't even show her face.
  17. Racist
  18. I don't think any of us would have thought it possible a year ago. Hopefully my health insurance goes down now....
  19. I got called a racist and a bigot just now on my FB for saying it's over. That's a first for me but I kinda felt pretty good about that as I deleted that idiots post.
  20. CNN blaming Russia now
  21. Stock market crashing. I'll be buying in the morning. Go me!
  22. If you need to sell your house to move to Canada, give me a call!!
  23. President Trump! Fat lady is warming up....
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