You have zero clue what you are talking about which I'm sure you and everyone else on this board already knows.
ObamaCare has single handily destroyed small businesses. I have no choice but to shop for insurance on the exchange if I want coverage. Obama took that choice away from me, even though he claimed I could keep my plan. I would hire more employees tomorrow if I didn't have to pay $30,000 a year for my families insurance. I can't afford to hire more employees(which I believe would make me more money, but I can't take that chance.) I know you don't understand how businesses work so I'm wasting my time typing this. Small business makes this country work. People like me take risk to start companies and drive this economy. Why should I work any harder when Obama is going to take all of my money anyways?
I'm going to buy a catastrophic plan for cheap and pay cash for anything else we need. Hopefully enough other people do the same and ObamaCare continues crashing on it's own. I've been buying properties as write-offs so my income stays low and the fine isn't that bad. I'm going to come out great when the thing finally comes crashing down, but sorry big girl, I won't be the one paying for your insurance.