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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Am I the only one that can never click on any of big girls links? It's just a headline.
  2. It's not true but it should be. No way Obama would let that fly. [Hidden Content]
  3. The debate lasted 90 minutes. You may want to get that checked out...
  4. Goes yard on the 1st pitch he saw as a pro
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. The hate runs deep for those Southwest Texas State grads....
  7. I would agree that money plays more of a role than race.
  8. Week 4 Meltdowns [Hidden Content]
  9. Not a good 1st day for Coach O [Hidden Content]
  10. Aggie legacy that many were surprised picked LSU. Maybe he doesn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps. I would bet LSU commits phones have been ringing on stop since Sunday.
  11. I thought Hillary won. She's a better debater and Trump seemed petty a lot, but he's done that the whole election period. Mod had zero control and went after Trump more than Hillary. I guess his questions didn't matter anyways because neither really answered them. Donald didn't blow up and say something too stupid, Hillary didn't faint on stage, so I guess it could be called a draw. That speaks to the quality of these 2 candidates that the American people set the bar that low.
  12. Some surprising stats from A&M's offense Ags are 10th in the country in rushing offense averaging 269.3 yards rushing a game. True fish Trayveon Williams is 25th in the country with 389 yards on 40 carries averaging 9.725 yards per carry. Coming in at 26th is some guy named Fournette who has 3 less yards on 27 more carries.
  13. Lane Kiffin is getting a lot of mentions for this job. Please, please LSU hire Kiffin!
  14. I got my DVR set. I'm going to miss it live, but I'm sure you guys will keep me updated.
  15. I predict a lot of coaches will get raises and extensions before next season.
  16. He was passed out drunk and wrecked his car. Luckily no one was hurt. Even Fat Ketch isn't towing the company line on this one.
  17. You don't want to be around the Cotton Bowl at night
  18. I feel like I was robbed of a great opportunity to rub it in for the rest of the season. They could have at least waited a day or 2 after the game!!
  19. Thoughts TVC? [Hidden Content]
  20. I had to shop in the Husky section growing up. My mom told me it wasn't because I was fat, that I just had short legs.
  21. A true legend! Rip
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