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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. "Dear Mr. President: How’s the vacation going on Martha’s Vineyard? Pretty swell place for sure. Ocean breeze, beautiful homes, and packed out with America’s top 1% of the 1%—you must be in your element. And golf? I’m sure you’re playing so much golf, you’re getting almost tired of it. But then, you never tire of golf. You just seem to tire of that “Presidency thing.” My neighbors in Louisiana aren’t having it so good, Mr. President. They are underwater—again. Historic floods that have impacted or destroyed 40,000 homes and left thousands of families homeless are sure ruining their hopes for a summer vacation this year. Probably will take away hopes for a summer vacation next year as well. Their once nice homes are now waterfront property. In fact their homes don’t just front the water—they are IN the water and the water is in them. I realize that in the hustle and bustle of golf, having ice cream, and strolling the quaint streets of the Vineyard you may not have noticed this catastrophic natural disaster. And because you have paid so little attention to it, sadly not many Americans have either. It’s one reason that when a apocalyptic event like a flood, tornado, or hurricane happens, Governors and Presidents show up. It’s not because their presence can make the water recede (although I do recall you saying something back in 2008 about how nature itself would respond to your election), or pick up the shattered splinters of a home, or recover the lost personal effects a family will never get back. I know this because in my 10 1/2 years as Governor, I walked through many flood waters, stepped over fallen trees during ice storm, held in my arms a weeping widow whose husband was killed shielding her from the fierce and unforgiving winds of a tornado. I wasn’t there because I could singularly “fix it.” I was there because my presence brought attention to the crisis that my absence wouldn’t have. The news crews who went because I did caused churches and inviduals to see the devastation and it mobilized them to action. It gave voice to the victims, and it let those whose lives were irreparably changed know they were not forgotten. It also drove home the degree of devastation to me, and gave me a greater sense of urgency to marshall all the resources of my state to help in the recovery. President Clinton—you know him, right? He plays a lot of golf too, but when major disasters struck, President Clinton came. Natural disasters aren’t political. And elected officials shouldn’t be either in the midst of one. I personally walked, drove, and flew through many scenes of human tragedy with President Clinton. Whatever our political differences, he understood that his presence, like that of the local Governor, was reassuring to people who will never know the sweet seabreeze of Martha’s Vineyard. Right now, some of your citizens only smell the stench of a flood’s aftermath—rotting fish and animal carcasses, growing mildew inside homes, and floating sewage that comes as treatment plants involuntarily discharge their waste because of the rising water. Maybe if it rains in Martha’s Vineyard and you have to cancel a golf game, you might fire up ol’ Air Force One and venture down to check on my friends in Louisiana. I know it will make it there, because it’s taken you and the fam all over the world on some pretty nifty vacations. I don’t begrudge you those vacations, by the way. You need them. But Louisiana needs you right now. Not because you can personally fix it, but because you showing up means a lot of resources will show up as will the cameras to help the nations see how bad it is. Yes, I’m a partisan Republican when it comes to politics, but this isn’t about our politics—it’s about our people. President Clinton would have already been there. I know there are some things about his Presidency we don’t want you to imitate. But showing up when Americans are hurting would do you and the country some good. Best wishes, Mike Huckabee"
  2. NISD has the lowest tax rate in Jefferson county by a good bit.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. You knew this was coming. If the laws don't apply to her, why should they to anyone else? A Navy sailor facing the possibility of years in prison for taking a handful of classified photos inside a nuclear submarine is making a bid for leniency by citing the decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton over classified information authorities say was found in her private email account.Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier, 29, is set to be sentenced Friday on a single felony charge of retaining national defense information without permission. In May, Saucier pleaded guilty in federal court in Bridgeport, Conn., admitting that while working on the U.S.S. Alexandria in 2009 he took and kept six photos showing parts of the sub's propulsion system he knew to be classified. [Hidden Content]
  5. Yeah I think that's a better term
  6. There is a big difference in "making money" and accepting bribes for political favors.
  7. One day these Texas kids are going to learn to stay home.
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. The Republicans blocked billions of dollars in taxpayer funds from going to private insurance companies to subsidize their losses. Obamacare had govt bailouts written into it when it passed because they knew it wouldn't work and the taxpayers would pick up the tab. It's kind of ironic that you support heavily taxing the low & middle class, so those GREEDY insurance companies can keep raking in their profits.
  10. Keep blaming it on corporate greed if that makes you feel better. I tend to think it has a lot more to do with govt regulations not allowing insurance companies compete across state lines. The funny thing about free markets is that they drive prices down and service up when all of these companies are competing nationwide.
  11. The cop was wearing a body cam [Hidden Content]
  12. If the KKK pulled something like this, most white people on this board and across this country would be screaming from the rooftops condemning their actions. You do not see this from black leaders(if there are truly any that would be considered leaders.) It's the same with Muslim terrorist in which Obama and the rest of the libs refuse to even acknowledge must less speak out against.
  13. The cop that shot him was also black... Dum dum dum That doesn't fit the agenda
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I would like to see them try that in Texas...... My 2 clips would give me 30 shots to see how fast they can run.
  16. A&M's Brandon Williams is a story that coaches across the country will be telling for years after he made the switch last year from running back to corner as a senior. He went from a player that woundn't have been drafted to a 3rd round pick that is currently starting at corner back for the Arizona Cardinals as a rookie. Swoopes and Heard can both succeed in the league, just not at the position that they have both played their entire lives. Williams listened to his coaches, put in the work, and will make a lot of money because of it.
  17. It would be beneficial to the starter to receive the most work possible in practice with the 1st team to get ready for the season. If Chucky thinks splitting time so he can suprise ND will help then go ahead. If one QB is taking significantly more snaps in practice, Fat Ketch and the others will let everyone know so it won't be much of a secret anyways. I guess that's tough for tshirt fans to understand. Kind of like coin flips.
  18. I care a lot more about Killary's actions than Donald's words.
  19. [Hidden Content]
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