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Everything posted by PhatMack19

  1. Russia is not the Ukraine period. Maybe you have Russia confused with the USSR. The Ukraine hasn't been part of the USSR since 1991. Crimea is a large peninsula in Southern Ukraine. In the 2014 Unkranian Revolution, a large majority of Crimeans supported reunification with Russia so Russia annexed them. The Ukraine as well as most of the international community do not recognize this annexation. You're welcome for the history lesson Big Girl. If you are going to call people pathetic, at least know what you are talking about.
  2. I still haven't figured out how "All lives matter" is racist. This girl is Indian btw. [Hidden Content]
  3. Probably tired of reading every Bleacher Report article you post and Ready for the season to start.
  4. Cincy the 1st team to announce they are joining the Big 12? [Hidden Content]
  5. It's a roast. Liberals ruin all of the fun. Should have never let them vote and quit making our sandwiches......
  6. 49th in the country. He's doing work.....
  7. I can understand why y'all would want to leave Iowa State off that map. That game last year was pretty rough.
  8. Chelsea hit every branch on the way down....
  9. I've heard this over the last few months, but not sure if it's true. I work in real estate and lots of people are trying to move to the West End because of this rumor.
  10. The Highway Patrol is having to work the border, because Obama cut back on funding for border patrol in 2012. Texas is having to pull their troopers off the Hwy and send them to the border to do the federal govt's job.
  11. This convention starts at 4pm and last until about 11pm which is around 7 hours. $50 for 7 hours isn't even minimum wage! I thought the dems wanted everyone to make a "living wage?"
  12. Fake Bo Pelini is one of the best follows on Twitter. This is a good read with a tragic ending. RIP to the punters that passed.
  13. He's a very good speaker. You have to give that to him.
  14. Lost me at bill clintons loving wife by dick
  15. Is Biden wasted?
  16. I wouldn't mind seeing the Clinton Foundation's financials....
  17. Such an upstanding group [Hidden Content]
  18. Bill looks old. Does he have Parkinson's or something?
  19. Here is a good article about the govt bailout/takeover of Fannie & Freddie. Once the govt figured out how profitable they were, they changed the bailout and refuse to let them out. [Hidden Content]
  20. I might not be able to sleep tonight knowing that she has to wake up each day in a house built by slaves.
  21. I'm just trying to figure out how to get my income under $125k a year so my kids can get free college.....
  22. Bernie talking about being proud of the historical revolution that his people accomplished by coming in 2nd. Typical Lib. Everyone gets a ribbon!
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