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Red Dawn

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Everything posted by Red Dawn

  1. Keeping an eye out for 21-5A right now.
  2. Yes. New Caney ISD
  3. Very true
  4. Crosby, New Caney, Porter and I have no idea after that. I'll go with BH in the 4 spot right now.
  5. Nice bounce back Ponies.
  6. From Crosby ISD Page: Proud of our team. Our team is made up of unique and great young men from various backgrounds. We have young men with family members who have served or are serving in the military and law enforcement. We have a coach whose brother was a police officer and recently lost his life protecting those who were protesting peacefully in Dallas. And we have young men who, in some capacity, have felt that the cards of society are stacked against them. We all carry burdens. And although we acknowledge their right to do so individually, the team chose to shoulder those burdens as one, like a team should, the way families do. We stood as one when we chose to stand in reverence and respect during the National Anthem on Thursday night. We knelt as one during the coin toss to meditate or pray as a team for the various concerns that were on the hearts of each individual that makes up the team, and most importantly signify to our community that although we are a collection of diverse and unique individuals, we respect each other and remain united despite our differences. The Cougars are honored to represent our community and hope that our demonstration of love and respect for one another, despite our differences, is a positive example for our society. Coach Jeff Riordan
  7. Could win all 6. Could lose all 6.
  8. Ya. What an idiot for scheduling Manvel. ;-)
  9. I think it says Crosby is beatable and Porter is much improved. Honestly think 21-5A and 22-5A are pretty even this year.
  10. +1 that's funny. I don't care who you are.
  11. Man, I'm not going to comment who's good or who's bad right now. Looks like everyone needs to strap it up every week.
  12. Wow. Ok. Have a great day.
  13. Just making sure you understand that the Cougars did not kneel during the anthem.
  14. Don't jump to conclusions. I know that the coaches and kids in Crosby had a deep conversation about what they were doing. They chose to stand during the National Anthem. They chose to kneel as a unit (Coaches and kids) to show their unity and respect for each other.
  15. The silver lining is that maybe ppl will quit giving us mess bc pollsters want to rank us and we can just enjoy a good ole dog fight for the district championship. Its up up for grabs fellas.
  16. QB to #2 was on fire.
  17. Good game Porter. Simply better than the Coogs tonight.
  18. Sloppy. Injuries no excuse. Everyone has injuries. Crosby better step it up. Porter was better in the first half.
  19. I think they do too. I wish I didn't have to root against you guys for Crosby to go D2.
  20. Thank you for the respect. I agree with you. Things change. I don't see Crosby taking a step back anytime soon but neither do most programs before it happens. I'd give Crosby fans the same advice. Be humble. The problem is I also believe in being honest. Last week I didn't think the BH / Crosby game would be close. I stated as such. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful to BH. I just honestly believed they are still a level or two away from Crosby. I think most of the frustration from Crosby fans comes from lots of ppl reminding us where our program has been without respect for where it is now. We're not Mecca. But we are a very good 5A program. Good luck to all of 21-5A. As I've said before, the better we all are, the better we all are. Go Crosby!!!
  21. I'd nervously pick Dayton in this one.
  22. Does stink when we don't reach our goals. But I am happy that's our goal vs a dream. The day our goal is to just make the playoffs is the day our program will start to slide. Good luck, Broncos. I'd root for you but it's to Crosby's advantage that you all don't get in to the playoffs. That's the only reason I'm cheering for Humble this week.
  23. Good luck Dayton.
  24. its good to believe in your team.
  25. I hope so too. I just have to root for only one of Dayton, Splendora & BH to make the playoffs.
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