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Red Dawn

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Everything posted by Red Dawn

  1. No worries. The new Jumbotron will evaporate all the rain before it enters the stadium.
  2. Whew. I think you folks are ready for some football to start.
  3. They did last year. I think umbrellas are fine. I'm taking mine.
  4. Safe travels to all the Bulldog fans headed to Crosby tonight. I always enjoy the quality football that the Swampmutts bring to town.
  5. Or 2018, or 2019 or 2020 for sure.
  6. The best team in 5A doesn't worry about a scrimmage vs Crosby!!!
  7. Love our Nederville peeps. Quality entertainment.
  8. That's right. There were no expectations for the Broncos. Congrats for meeting your expectations.
  9. True. But in a scrimmage / practice a good coach will work on cleaning things up rather than just running what plays will score.
  10. This is the year...;-) Glad to hear of the optimism. It's miserable to be in a tradition rich community and watch your program fall apart. Good luck vs everyone but Code Red!!!
  11. After the first scrimmage I'd up our number of Division-1 athletes to 26. Our PAT holder looks like he could go D1 to me!!!
  12. Uh oh. They must have gone to a clinic and learned that trick.
  13. I believe controlled scrimmage hurts Crosby more than most. If the Cougars look good in this controlled atmosphere they will flourish once Riordan is allowed to create his real game-time chaos.
  14. Beating Dayton is never easy.
  15. [Hidden Content] No, it's not state or bust, but it is nice to be respected. It's a long season with some good opponents on the schedule. Goal 1 - District Championship...after that lets roll the dice.
  16. I don't mind 4 in. Especially when some districts have 5 teams and others have 9 (like 21-5A). I've seen many 4th place teams better than other district champs or runners up. It all gets weeded out after week 1 of playoffs anyway. I just don't think making the playoffs can be used alone as a criteria for a successful season.
  17. I'd probably adjust your criteria a bit but you are right on. Making the playoffs shouldn't be the benchmark any more. The avg district size is around 6-7 teams. So you finished 4th of 6 and that's success? Great post. +1
  18. To all those out there keeping notes, it's not State or Bust. But is nice to be respected and have a state championship as a legitimate goal.
  19. Dang. You are asking us to use logic and thoughtfulness. The heck with all that mess. Crosby gonna win STATE!!!
  20. Let's start one!!!
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