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Everything posted by L-Train11

  1. Who is the guy who said Tyler might get 50 at the most?? I'll have to go find that post lol
  2. WOS is the first team to score on WOS thanks to a holding call in the end zone lol how crazy!
  3. Faircloth must have seen all that complaining earlier, probably changed uniforms at the last minute to keep certain people happy
  4. You can't handle the truth that PNG is now purple and grey!
  5. lol somebody has too much time on their hands...
  6. Shouldn't Calvin Tyler's college offers speak for themselves?
  7. Sometimes you just gotta take it on the chin then move on.
  8. I think this is being drug on a little too much (or a lot actually). Refs being horrible is a matter of opinion and depends on what side you were on. I've heard from our side they were bad, from the other side that there wasn't an issue, and from a neutral side that they were bad but didn't affect the outcome that much. I wasn't there and really don't care if they were or not, we still should have found a way to win, and anybody who was at the game knows we should have won- we had the lead with less than two minutes and got beat deep on a 70 yard bomb. The refs didn't throw and catch that ball, we let them beat us deep, which is the last thing you want to do when your winning with 2 minutes left and the opposing team has no timeouts. As for the announcer: obnoxious and annoying? Yes, as far as I could tell from the live stream from Lumberton Ledger he was pretty out of line with some things he said. Was it a game changer? No, or at least it shouldn't have been. We sound like a bunch of sore losers. my point is this: we had our chance to win in a game that really shouldn't have been close to begin with, regardless of bad officiating or not. Now like I said earlier, I hope our team and coaches are more focused on Lee than some fans are, if not it will be another loss for the L Train!
  9. We lost the game.. Let's look forward to Lee so we don't lose to them too....
  10. We put the turf in for the girls soccer team lol
  11. Livingston will do to y'all what they did to us. Another upset coming!! i couldn't even say that with a straight face lol
  12. The feeling of being back in the toilet bowl :/... One thing I'll learn from this game is if last week was a fluke, or if we are really that bad.
  13. I doubt y'all have any chance of losing this game.
  14. When in doubt, blame the refs! It almost always never works!
  15. She better be on the phone with the dang uil lol hopefully Union Pacific too and get us a new railroad to ride on
  16. We weren't state ranked. Not as big of an upset so can we just delete that thread and forget about it?
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