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Everything posted by L-Train11

  1. Maybe it will go down by the time I get there
  2. Headed out now. Hopefully people aren’t packed in right when the booths open!
  3. Probably Gilmer/PG. of course anything can happen, but winner of this game goes to state easily imo
  4. Don’t get me wrong I agree 100%, just wos isn’t a team you want to get down on
  5. Ok, just don’t get down 14-0 to wos like last week.
  6. Wait a minute! Silsbee scored 24 on Lumberton, and as @BADSANTA has so graciously pointed out over and over we suck!! I believe silsbee could win, but let’s be realistic with our scoring predictions.
  7. How many games for wos got cancelled before they played silsbee the first time? I don’t think wos was even near their best first time around.
  8. Silsbee gonna score more on wos than they did on HF?
  9. We’re just having a good time Aggie lol gotta get the game day jitters out somehow
  10. Well I was being pushed out that year so I wouldn’t know 😂🤷🏼‍♂️ But from what my family says we’ve always been bad so..
  11. We have had some good players, yes.. very rarely do we have a good, complete team. And besides Babin and Credeur, you’re right, coaching has been subpar for the most part. And let’s be honest, besides 2008, we have never really had a chance to “go a long way.” We May have had some good teams by Lumberton’s standards, but they still didn’t measure up to 5A teams
  12. Well at least IF you lose tonight, you can still say you’re better than Lumberton. Congratulations!
  13. Well we have been the past two years since we have been playing in the same 4A district that silsbee just moved out of 2 years ago. The same district that silsbee couldn’t even win on a consistent basis. With all that talent yall should have dominated this district. But you didn’t. And now we move up to 5A and probably won’t have much of a chance. If y’all were in 5A like us playing the teams in that district then there is no guarantee that y’all would be going to the playoffs every year either.
  14. Ummm... “wos gonna be our water boys”... “I’m gonna bring some tissues. Wos will be following the bus home like last year crying.”.... “just walked outside and stepped on a big pile of wos”... Those are paraphrases of what you’ve been saying lol
  15. Silsbee the two years we played them when I was in varsity (2009/2010). And that was with the great Jeremy Johnson at qb. But I don’t get on here whining about not getting respect because honestly we don’t deserve much at this point. It is what it is
  16. Y’all have beat them once this decade, and twice in the 21st century... what are you expecting respect for?? Go out there and earn it!
  17. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
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