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Everything posted by L-Train11

  1. Lol we could go back and forth all day i don't see either of our defenses completely stopping the other, should be a high scoring game.
  2. Once again, looked who y'all have played as well... GCM and no defense Silsbee. Let's just face it, both of our opponents haven't been too good
  3. No the back up is a sophomore. Starter is a senior
  4. Your right. All I know is based off of last year at this time I think we look a little better, and as of now all I have to judge by is HF and scrimmages. Even with who we lost on offense I think we have some good starters and even good young back ups this year. A few sophomores getting playing time which always looks good for the future
  5. Why do people keep saying that?? Because Lumberton is not GCM either!! kinda annoying when teams talk about our past opponent but fail to realize who they just played as well. oh well, keep underestimating Lumberton
  6. I would agree that GCM has better athletes, but with their play calling (which was HORRIBLE), I think HF could beat them.
  7. Should be a high scoring game, I think our line will open some good holes and we will have several people who can run the ball which makes for fresh legs. I've been impressed with our o line so far. Defensively I think we will put some pressure on RJ, our d line and backers are really good, the fun task will be containing him. Playing smart and containing can beat his speed, question will be can we play smart enough? We shall see
  8. That's correct, that's why I said earlier our d needs to work on the deep ball.. GCM completed a couple of deep passes as well, so looks like we both need a little work in that area.
  9. I forgot about that... This game oughta be interesting!
  10. The way they've been defending the pass they won't stop that either
  11. He hasn't even faced a decent d yet, and they won't stop our run game.
  12. We've done pretty good in passing game so far on offense. I think it will be a much better game to watch than the past several years
  13. 2 more home games in a row so let's hope for minimum rain!
  14. I think Silsbee will grab their first W this week
  15. Tigers score 33 on a good Newton defense along with several dropped passes that could have been scores, and people are still griping about how this new offensive scheme isn't working..,.. Pitiful, defense has to win the game, I just hope they have the chance to before Smith gets run out of town.
  16. Even though it's another loss, I'm reading a lot more positives tonight for Silsbee than I did last week. Seems like a step in the right direction!
  17. HF looked much better than GCM, so I'm feeling a little confident lol
  18. Not gonna happen, we got a lot of weapons. Our "slow" qb (as labeled by one of y'all) had to have had close to 150 rushing yards tonight. Made some nice passes, defense looking good as well with 3 picks tonight. do need to work on covering the deep ball though
  19. Qb keeper for 25 yard td.. 31-0 2:34 left in the half
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