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  1. I believe Bug lost in the semi's to one of the kids on my high school team down here in Corpus. I did not see the match, but his mother said the match was very competitive.
  2. Aranda and Lopez are both very good coaches. I know both of them and have coached against both of them.
  3. Zach lives in Warren, but travels to give lessons in Houston for several days at a time. He is 30 something.
  4. Either Turow or Brady was a state finalist the year before or after Turow's state title. HJ also had another state champ in the late 60's, I think his name was John Verde.
  5. I agree that Jerry is a very good coach. Believe me, I have spent alot of time with Jerry on the court. He knows his stuff. Jerry has produced several good players through the years.. Turow (state champ), Brady, Chris and Julie paciotti, Will (Lamar) and Matt (Navy-for a short time) Wiggins (Matt was also a state qualifier in 3A doubles with Wes Reed - also coached by Jerry),Jeff Archer, Minick, the Kral bros, and numerous other state qualifiers for HJ. Jerry is worth the drive to Pinewood. Zach C is also a very good coach. Anyone from Warren that has been pretty good in the last 8 years or so has been coached by him. He has also coached numerous kids from East Chambers, Houston, and other parts of the area. I also know Zach well, and he has produced at least 16 state qualifiers from 2A to 4A. Both of these coaches would be an excellent choice for serious junior players.
  6. Who on this list has actually been coached by Schroeder?
  7. I only know of a few, since I coached in the area for only a few years. Michael Wesbrooks (I heard that he beat Andre Agassi at the zoo as a junior, was an all american at LSU, and once the #1 open player in Texas). Tara Shelander (lived at Newks for a while, and had a successful college career at Sam Houston and Lamar). Andrew Danos (coached by Tony F, a top 40 super 18, two time state qualifier in 4A, and played college at a smaller school in Maryland). Just wanted to name a couple and see what everyone knows about the history of Bmt tennis.
  8. I was asking about the tennis team. I know that they have been pretty good in football the last couple of years.
  9. West Brook has not been a very strong 5A team in a while, but they always had a couple of supers and champs at the top of their lineup a few years back. I don't see very much about them on this list. Have they fallen off the map? (I used to coach in the area).
  10. There are several good coaches in the area. Jerry C, Zach C, Jeff H, Ron W, Tony and Russell G. High school coaching would be Jorge L, Aranda, and a few others. The key is finding someone who is able to communicate with you and help you find what works for you as a player. I know several coaches in the area( I used to coach at H-J several years ago, but have since moved to Corpus Christi).
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