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j dog

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  1. talking about mart being a public housing town, once i went through the big town of winnie, so many shacks that were ready to fall through
  2. tell em martpanther linebacker from 06 state champs!!!
  3. talking down on mart; come on. with 4 state titles in football. mart vs. ec has been some on the biggest blowouts in our playoff history. by the way, mart is not a public housing community, my home is brick. but if you must, come to centex football.com and click on 2a/3a forum and get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. mart's talent is homegrown. we had our first transfer from another town and now the ec fans want to say were a bedroom community for waco, thats not true, but yall dont want to face mart again in the playoffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. as if the panthers did not have enough speed, they have a new transfer from lavega in waco,tx. the kid has speed(4.4) and is going to be a receiver on the team.
  6. mart panthers-16-0-fifth state title in football
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