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Everything posted by 3ABirdMan

  1. :shock: You mean the Mustangs, RIGHT :?: J/K! Look forward to seeing your guys play again. I hope we can keep it respectable! Glad (hope) Thomas is OK, but wouldn't mind if he HAD to sit out a game, along with Bevil and Garret and Franks............Did I miss anybody? 8) You guys are right - OF ALWAYS brings their game, and I have a lot of respect for the kids and community for that. Any sport, any time, any where, boys or girls, you're in for a fight against the Bobcats! COngrats to BOTH teams for a good game.
  2. Injured - didn't do too much, or keyed on and shut down - didn't do too much? He is a heck of a back and athlete. It's really too bad Balla and FLY ruined the season for those guys with all of their junk on here, because this kid can PLAY!
  3. I just good word - Silsbee lost in 5. Lost the 1st and 2nd, won the 3rd and 4th, lost the 5th. I understand they were slow to get started in the first two, came back strong in the next 2, playing really well, and got a little behind in the 5th and never could overcome it. I understand they represented their school well, against a strong opponent. My hats off to the girls for a great season. They will be back next year, returning 5 starters. Only HF left from 21AAA - THE PRESSURES ON, Lady Horns!
  4. How did Silsbee do last night? Didn't catch the news at 10:00, and haven't seen it on here yet?
  5. What kind of CAKE do we get? I like ALL of them, but I think Italian Cream is my favorite for birthdays!
  6. Dem Cats played a good game, with a gameplan that exploited BC's weakness, and the talent to put the plan into action and make it a success. DEM CAT FANS don't know how to win, or get along, or accept the congatulations you are offered with humbleness and humilty, which makes me think (and hope) you will have a short post-season!
  7. Another INSTANT CLASSIC! This was LAST WEEK! :roll:
  8. :shock: OH - I guess you told me! THANK YOU for lowering YOURSELF to FLY level :!:
  9. The team that beat Silsbee anf Hamshire-Fannett just never really got on track tonight. They played hard as always, and represented their school well. Congrats on a great season, ladies!
  10. YES! The Strutters Drill Team had an AWESOME performce! It was in commemoration of the 20 year anniversary of the Strutters, and the skirts and dance were GREAT! Congrats girls!
  11. SuperflySnuka - A very petty, class-less post. Thanks for YOUR sportsmanship. I was VERY dissapointed in the outcome of the game. I was tired of watching it in the 2nd quarter, knowing what was to come in the second half, but I would NEVER leave. I respect our players too much for that. And whether our play-off spot is gone or not, I will still make every game, from 1st play to last, as will MANY others! I know a lot of our fan base was absent because of youth week-end in hunting season, and the majority of those that I know who left at half-time were headed for the woods as well. No excuses, just facts. The fact that I have YET to see where ANY BC fan got on here and bashed you guys after the game, or said anything less than positive, makes your post even more childish! I, as well as OrangeBoy, enjoyed the half-time performance. If you missed it, you have no idea how cool it was to see the bands from BOTH schools marching together and playing together, and sounding like a COLLEGE football game! It was GREAT! I really wish there were MORE oppotunities for school's to work together like that. SuperflySnuka - I hope you guys go winless for the rest of the season because of your sensless post. NO - WAIT - That would make me like YOU! Instead, I wish you good luck, and may your players and fans go and arrive home safe and well.
  12. Let's see - 30 players X 2 parents 30 drill team memebers X 2 parents 50 band mambers X 2 parents 12 cheerleaders X 2 parents 20 flag and twirlers X 2 parents mix in some grandparents and siblings and you've got a crowd of 3-400. Basketball carries ?12? , baseball and softball carry ?15? , volleyball carries ?12? - All with no band, drill team, cheerleaders, etc. I would say that's a start to finding the reason, plus the ones above.
  13. After tonight- WO-S Silsbee Kirbyville Good luck, guys! Make 21AAA look tough like it's supposed to be!
  14. Congrats to the Wildcats! They were the better team tonight. BC played bone-head ball all night. Just couln't get anything going, and I don't think it was because of Kirbyville. They moved the ball well at times, and then would turn it over. I think 7 turn-overs in all - WAY too many to win. And when K would turn it over, we wouldn't capitalize. K must have studied the Silsbee film well - They ran off-tackle ALL NIGHT LONG! And BC didn't even begin to stop it. Great effort by both teams. I'm still proud of my Cards! Balla - Ya'll won, fair and square - Congrats. But it weren't no freakin' romp! Good luck to the 'Cats! Got softball tomorrow - I'll be back Sat. night or Sun., but I couldn't go to bed without congratulating the 'Cats.
  15. Did have Not that I know of Yes, he is Welcome A very good game AS far as I know, no Yes I don't know, baseball only, probably
  16. You da man, COOP! I'm still working on it!
  17. Try this link to the SOFTBALL forum - [Hidden Content]
  18. Coop, you still haven't told me why I don't get a sticker. I've made every game, stood up most of time, eaten all of the required game foods (and then some), had a GREAT tailgate at OF last week. I mean, dude, I'm trying! What does it take?
  19. :shock: Balla - We finally agree on something!
  20. Card! He thinks you're talking 'dirty' with that "disseminating" stuff! He's scratching his __________ right now trying to figure out just what that means!
  21. I bet you REALLY don't want me to tell DaMan you said that' date=' do you :?: :shock: I bet Jimmy doesn't even [b']OWN any pink shorts! SON
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