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Everything posted by 3ABirdMan

  1. BC is losing a lot to graduation. I think Coach Matthews can "coach 'em up" - I'm just not sure how much. I DO think they will be in the hunt for a play-off spot, but I'm not gonna say they'll be 1st. Time will tell!
  2. ok #1 you're a classless BC fan and #2 you're a texas A&M faggie I was not at the game but from what i hear they hit hicks off the mound and Justin parsons pitched a great game and it was close until the end....but i also heard that the umping was horrible and bad calls were made towards jasper the whole game....what should have been a good game from 2 of the best teams in the district turned into a tainted win for BC because of the officiating....end of story #1 - I REALLY don't care for the verbal abuse. PERIOD! I believe that is borderline on violating the rules of the forum, and THAT will not be tolerated! #2 - I WAS at the game. Don't speak if YOU don't know the facts! IF the officiating WAS in question, I would say BC got robbed on at least one call, and I could argue about two more, but THAT is not the point. The final inning speaks for itself.
  3. Um - BC's "been there - done that" once already, and you STILL believe they are the team to beat? How so? Was last night a fluke, in your oppinion? No disrespect intended, btw!
  4. I want my team to win EVERY TIME they take the field, as does everyone here, but NO-ONE wants to see a kid get hurt. I hope he is OK, and I hope you guys will keep us up to date.
  5. Way to go, ladies! Best of luck at the next level! We'll miss you next year!
  6. 8107 - ^ - Up there - How's THAT? ;D
  7. The coach must have let BC shoot the ball. Several things in the final score equation. Firstly, Bridge City played GOOD ball and did shoot the ball well. And hustle - they REALLY hustled the whole game. That said, Coach Williams did a number of things differently last night. One: He started all the Seniors that were being honored on Seniors Night while only two of the Seniors are actually STARTERS. Two: The real starting line up essentially played the second and third quarters. Three: In the fourth quarter it appeared that Coach Williams was taking a look at the probable starting lineup for NEXT year. It was not the typical Silsbee approach but I think Silsbee was finished making statements by point spreads. BUT, Bridge City played better ball than their record this year gives them credit for. In response to the classless HJ posters on this thread (and I can't wait for an opportunity to rub your noses in your defeat SOON - NO, wait, that would make me LIKE YOU ) ...... Thanks, Voice, for the comments. BC is not as bad as their record would indicate, but it takes time to learn the game and learn to play "maturely". And IF Coach Knight stays around and they leave the JV alone, they WILL be better - SOON!
  8. IF I remember correctly, and without looking up stats - BC was 2 for about 15 for 3-pointers - MUCh worse than I had seen them do earlier in the year. If they just hit 33%, it's a different game! And MOST of those shots were uncontested, so it's not like Jasper's "D" was pressuring them to miss.......... :-\
  9. I had the WO-S game AND the Kirbyville game playing on the internet at one time, listening to both - since could attend neither :'( . When either of you would get close to making/letting something happen, I would mute the other............. Kirbyville DID NOT play their "A" game against China Spring. Alvarez's "magic tricks" didn't work this game, and actually left the 'Cats in a deep hole more than once. I don't believe that the "quality of opponent" that CS was made things not work; rather I believe it just wasn't K-ville's night. Much like it's hard to open up your offense when you are backed up inside the 5 yl for a whole quarter. Neither of you appeared to have "stellar" games, while both had great moments, like the goal line stands. Sorry for the diatribe, but I felt like I had to defend the 'Cats a little here. They had a GREAT season, as did the Mustangs!
  10. a 12-team District, on top of mixed classification? We would have to have a rating system like the BCS to know who should go to the play-offs :-\
  11. Congrats to Dayton on an OUTSTANDING year. You overcame several obstacles to get you where you are, and you have A LOT to be proud of! You have represented SE Texas very well!
  12. Do you realize just HOW BIG of a party the Houston Area football ofiicials would have?
  13. SO TRUE! Didn't MLB just put out a list for us? >
  14. In MY opinion - For what it's worth........ Coach Alvarez has always been a gambler, and I guess always will. I see his motto as "win by the gamble - lose by the gamble". In MY opinion, they SHOULD have won against Sweeney last year ( I was there), and had the opportunity to do so, but gambled and lost. This year, in round #2, K-ville gambled on the on-side kick after scoring on their 1st possesion, and it worked, letting them control the ball and the flow of the game. Going for it on 4th down with the fake punt pass for the TD worked, to put K-ville out ahead by 14, and made the opponent change their game plan to try to catch up. Everything worked, and K-ville advances. In round #3, NONE of the gambles appeared to pay off. Getting stopped on 4th down and turning the ball over on downs, going for the onside kick and NOT getting the ball, giving up yardage and field position with huge painful penalties took K-VILLE out of THEIR game plan. From LISTENING to the game, K-ville should have been able to handle China Spring - They didn't sound dominate. It appeared to ME that K-ville just didn't do what they needed to do, when they needed to do it. I think K-ville should have been able to win against CS - I'm sorry they didn't - I really wanted to see them advance, as well as WO-S. :'(
  15. K-ville kicks onside - Gets the BAll - AND a flag for offsides. Rekicks and kicks for a touchback.... PENALTIES!
  16. down to be about 2:00 - WO-s with 1 To left, WLC driving
  17. K-ville drives and scores, converts on the 2-pt - 6:56 left in 4th CS - 28 KV - 14
  18. Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.setxsports.com Port 80 Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.setxsports.com Port 80 Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.setxsports.com Port 80 Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.setxsports.com Port 80 Service Temporarily Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.setxsports.com Port 80
  19. End of 3rd........ CS - 28 KV - 6
  20. K-ville turms ball over on downs with a botched double-throw fake punt. CS drives down and scores - With 1:36 left in 3rd.... CS - 21 K-ville - 6
  21. WO-S hols - Ball goes over on downs.... WO-S can't get it going, punts from their own 5. WLV drives down inside 10 - Parr fumbles - WO-S recovers!
  22. " You gotta know when to hold 'em, Know when to fold 'em..." What can I say?
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