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Coach Frey

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Everything posted by Coach Frey

  1. So you don't see TARP being funded by taxpayers as a tax? It was signed into law by W. Bush.
  2. But I'll take the bait. Who are some conservative Republicans that are left? I'm curious.
  3. The Republican Party had no issue labeling Bush a conservative. Revisionist history doesn't help either. Also the fact that McConnell's hypocrisy was skipped is quite telling.
  4. Not much different than taxing you and me to pay off Wall Street.......which was the policy of a "conservative" Republican. This is the problem Republicans step in. They can do things like that when they are in power, but complain when Democrats do the same. What do you expect? Another great example was McConnell blocking Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice, saying there was an election coming in a year and the people should decide. But when asked now, "if an opening occurs on the Supreme Court within the next year, would you wait for the election like you did with Obama?" and he says, "No we'd fill it." What do you think is going to happen down the road? I mean really?
  5. I don't think so. This is a different game than the Clinton con show. I really think the Dems are about to go way left and we are going to see Sanders/Warren get the nomination.
  6. I was actually surprised at the lack of going after Trump. I think the Democrats could have had many things to push him on and didn't. Warren and Booker didn't really change their positions, Castro went way up, Beto got hammered.
  7. We need to listen to Ron Paul. Follow the founders, don't police the world, practice national defense not international offense. We've been talking about war with Iran all the way back to 2007 when Ron was embarrassing Duncan Hunter in a Republican presidential debate talking about how its just war propaganda and how we are fretting day and night over a country that doesn't even have an air force.
  8. Except he doesn't.
  9. I also question your statement "would you be comfortable being investigated by 20 lawyers who you know are not fans of you." I'd like to see the link of all these individuals who were not fans of Trump. Merely being a Democrat doesn't mean you are out to get Trump. If that is the case, as your argument seems to present, you have a lot of explaining to do as to why our Republican president donated to Democrats.
  10. Well that is your opinion (they were disappointed) not a fact. Now you are the one running from the issue. You made the claim that there was bias. The group came back pretty much clearing Trump. Your argument fell flat on it's face and so your rebuttal to my response that noted that was to say, "oh they were probably mad." Facts are stubborn things.
  11. I do believe that group was able to pass an unbiased judgement without regard for political leanings. If they hadn't, Trump would already be impeached.
  12. You can say that again!
  13. For a third time, no I did not see any bias in Mueller's selections. Not sure how many times I have to answer this question. I see what you are hunting for, but the Mueller Report pretty much showed most leftist notions were false, this was done with a group that had some with Democratic ties......that doesn't help your argument. It shows that the group did their job properly and not based on political leanings.
  14. I was pretty clear on my view of this. I can see you are trying to weave a web here, but I'm not exactly sure what your angle is.
  15. I didn't avoid any question. Read above. I answered clearly. No I don't believe Mueller used political leanings as a bias in selection. You on the other hand seem to be completely okay with an individual who plays both sides. I can't for the life of me see how an individual who claims to be a Republican, a conservative, pro life, pro second amendment, etc. could donate to Clinton, no matter the reason.
  16. Trump is a Clinton donor.....
  17. No, I don't believe in stereotyping. I'm the type of person I'm going to base my judgment of you on what you say and what your follow through is. I don't care what you look like or whether you are dem, republican, libertarian, or whatever.
  18. My opinion is that an individual in the position of Mueller would not look at political leanings to make hiring decisions.
  19. RINO? He was originally put in his position by Ronald Reagan.......
  20. Mueller is/was a Republican.......
  21. He should. Avenatti is a joke. Biden is toast as far as the election goes.
  22. Heard the Lady Eagles won this one 17-11. Heck of a win for Coach Marshall. Go Eagles!
  23. Abrams won't be on the ticket. I would assume it would be Biden/Beto or Sanders/Warren.
  24. I was actually at the Leggett game in my Dime Box gear scouting. Never thought we'd get upset. From what I was told, Rocksprings will run and gun the entire game and stays in that press from start to finish. They are scrappy and sneaky fast. They look to be the exact opposite of Nordheim. I'll be rooting for you guys!
  25. For 1A every road runs through Lipan. I think we have a pretty solid chance to get to state, I'm expecting if we win we will hit Spurger in bi-district, Rocksprings in Area, Leggett in the regional quarterfinals, Neches in the regional semifinals, and LaPoynor in the regional final, but Lipan is the real deal. They set a record earlier this season for three pointers made in a game, I think they had 34. Earlier this year they won the Tenaha Tournament, beating #1 in 2A Shelbyville in the finals.
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