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Everything posted by Bansheefan

  1. Ok ill give u that silsbee can be kinda good but they have been bad to them getting to second round from beating la Marque is nothing to be impressed by
  2. Lol how?
  3. Debatable maybe by setx standards but thats not saying much either
  4. But wos has played absolutely no one even kinda good so those numbers can be deceiving
  5. Sfa Friday 730
  6. Well we will see yall at sfa next week got to start back on those yearly whipping
  7. How are tickets being sold for this game tickets sent to each school to sell?
  8. Sheperds coach said if they waited till grades came out today they would prolly not have enough kids left to field a team so he asked for Thursday game
  9. Both teams had three turnovers and two of the turnovers for carthage were the only time they didn't score with ones
  10. Didnt say anything bout it was yalls fault but regardless of what has happened r scheduled yall have not played a single team yet that is any good to really know how wos matches up with top teams in the state
  11. Carthage really does not run wide that often most runs are between the tackle and im not sure bout the better lbs just ask anyone who has played carthage about #5 and unlike wos carthage has been playing top teams in the state that cream puff schedule can make u look better then u really are
  12. Gilmer had 24 yds total rushing for the game dont know what u saw also they scored 7 then got the onside kick and scored 7 more and then tried another onside but got shut down after that
  13. They may be true but in those 4 years they didn't once come across a team as good as carthage
  14. With all this covid crap both teams could be sitting at the house for round 4 i hope not true but I have a feeling that alot of statechampions this year will be because they got lucky and stayed covid free vs being the best team
  15. U are correct on going for it on 4th deep in there own territory think it was a little outside the 20 though. Alot of folk criticize Surratt for going for it on 4th down deep in there own territory during the regular season but those plays pay off in the playoffs and the kids are so used to doing it
  16. Shepard to Carthage is really not that bad of a drive only 120 miles
  17. Looks to be true r at least Carthage playing Crosby there anyway
  18. Nope coach said no more pg still up in the air depending on which way they send us north r south
  19. Carthage has Marshall and new Caney scheduled so far sad when they have so many good 4a teams close but none of them will play us
  20. And that's the problem North Texas average fan is gonna show up if at at&t the same can not be said for folks in the south if at nrg
  21. But u had two Houston teams in it so sounds to me like Houston didnt show up. Here is my thoughts on it out of both areas people with no ties to any team more locals show up in Dallas then Houston
  22. Pretty sure it's more about the local folks not showing up rather then fans traveling, more dfw area football fans show up at at&t then Houston area fans show up at nrg
  23. Also small school get to start practicing early in fall then the 5a/6a teams so the practice times even out
  24. La Vega gave up 42 to Melissa
  25. Will need to throw more then gilmer did last night if your gonna have a chance at pg never seen gilmer so one dimensional
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