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Everything posted by gablfan

  1. was also told p.a. has 1 team.
  2. that time of year again. Hows everone looking.
  3. jcpl has 1 team.
  4. where is the game and what time?
  5. Some people were asking me tonight if I got called. They are on the 9 yr. old team. They were saying some got a text message, but one of the kids parents do not have texting on their wireless plan so they have not heard from anyone yet. I'll try to let them know to email you Sam if they do not here anything. I'm gonna try to get with Brad first and ask him first though.
  6. Congrats to both shetland and pinto allstars. I know first hand how good the competition is there in dallas and how hard it is to win a game there.
  7. Congratulations guys!!! It's amazing this group of kids have been together only since may and played 4 or 5 tournaments. Great job
  8. Congrats P.A. and good luck down the road guys. also congrats to vidor on a hard fought tournament. I wanna make one comment if I may... I dont know the Vidor coaches name but all coaches should watch him coach. H e was one of the most respectful coaches I've seen in all our pony leagues. He showed alot of class and i just wanna say good job coach.
  9. Jefferson County Pony ( formerly Groves American ) will have Fall Ball as they always do. Not sure when sign ups start. You can go to the web site and signup as well i believe. The web site is jeffcopl.com.
  10. Our select team scrimmaged the Vidor A team tonight and i wouldn't be suprised if they go all the way. Very good little team. W e had 3 of our best kids out tonight and everyone else looked like they forgot who they were and Vidor put it on us. I know that one team we played in the Directors Tournament for the championship was good so i figured they would have a good team this year. Not sure how Groves will do this year. Alot of good players are not playing because we have the world series for usssa that same week. Not wanting to start any kind of rumor but I heard that 4 or 5 kids have quite the A team already so not sure whats going on there.
  11. Coonass what do you mean by doing whats best for the kids? Now I know just like every other league out there you have a few coaches that are out there for the "allstar" kids and leave the others on the back burner, but apparently you havent been to my games or practices. EVERY child gets the same practice and teaching of the game when i coach. Just not sure how you meant that statement.
  12. The only reason we are changing the name is to try to get the word out to other towns that they too can play here. Any one who lives in Jefferson county can come play here. I think even if you live in B.C you can play here as well i think. I wish we could keep the name also but we are trying to look at the future of the league not just right now.
  13. I'd like to add to that by say that ANYONE who lives in Jefferson County can play here. And yes... we are changing the colors of the league so you guys that dont like purple and white dont worry we are changing lol.
  14. We did lose some good kids last season. Majority went to National and a couple went to Port Neches.
  15. Groves Pinto team wont be as good as the past 3 years that we've been a part of it. They should be able to win a couple of games, depending on who they play early on. There are a few good players on the team but there are 6 kids that decided not to play this year because of select ball including my son. Five of those six would have made A team for sure and the other boy was right on the border of A and B team.
  16. I can't remember what the shetland field is down the lines. i think its about 100 feet. I dont think the field at TC is 150 feet either. I know the sign says that but our pinto field in groves is 150 down the lines and it is bigger than TC's. Their fence is higher but still. My boy hit one out there last year in allstars so I just dont believe that it is 150.
  17. Well I didnt start this subject to compare select and league. I just wanted to hear what others have gone through with their kids in the past. W e play for a good organization and I am one of the coaches but the other 2 are good coaches and they know their stuff. My son seems to like it alot. He likes league also but I think he likes the competition better and we have started playing kid pitch in select where he is still in coach pitch in league. I agree on letting him decide. If he doesn't want to play league i want dispute it. I would hate to over do it with him or wear him out at such a young age. I do let him pitch a little even though he is only 8(will be 9 in july), I dont work with him on it that much, only bout once a week if not every other week. And when we do work out on pitching he only pitches bout 20 or 30 pitches and thats it.
  18. Just wanting to get some advice out there. My 8 year old son (about to be 9) plays both league and select ball at the present time is saying he wants to take a "break" from league ball next year. The last thing I wanna do is wear him out. Come next year he could change his mind but I'm leaning towards letting him decide. Should I let him play strictly select next year and see how it turns out for him.Thanks for any positive comments.
  19. Congrats guys from Groves American. I heard it was a good one
  20. Well it was one hell of a game on both sides tonight!!!! The Groves Indians pulled it out 11 - i think 6 or 7. The Vidor Angels played one heck of a game. They are coached well... I've never seen a team with mostly 7 year olds that back each other up on throw ins and stuff like they do. Congrats to them on getting to the final and congrats to the Groves Indians kids on the win. All i can say is I'm glad i wont have to face them next year...we're moving up.
  21. The Groves Indians will play the Vidor Angels for the championship tomorrow at 7. I hear the Vidor is made up of all or mostly 7 year olds but let that fool ya i watch em tonight and they can play. We'll have our hands full tomorrow. Either way I think it will be a good game.
  22. I agree with TD. We are in both select and league I do not play around with any kid that shows poor sportsmanship or poor team players.
  23. yea should of known you were the team to beat Chad!!!LOL. Seams like that every year. Our team is playing in it but I dont know if me and my boy will be there Saturday or not. We are playing at Ford Park. Should be an interesting weekend. We are and 8u team but we are playing up in 9uAA for the first time. Not expecting a whole lot but most of our kids can play kid pitch so.... By the way Chad i talk to Bost he said Austin is suppose to play with ya'll middle of May. I've heard he is doing good over at National.
  24. The tournament is held by the local Pony baseball league in the golden triangle. There are 4 local leagues. Orange, Vidor, Groves American, and Twin County (Sour Lake). It is strictly for the Pony League Pinto Division.
  25. We have 5 teams in Groves. not sure who are playing the tournament. we dont have the talent we have had in the past few years since i've been here. i think last three years we have had 3 or four teams in the semi finals. wont be like that this year. our team is 6-0 and we have won by ten runs or more in all but one of the games.not sure how we'll compete. my boy plays on the big red machine and we have a tournament that weekend so i hope we'll be able to make the directors tournament. we didnt loose a huge number of kids in pinto last year just a huge quality .
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