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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Hopefully those Tigers don't need someone saying they can beat them to get them inspired to play. That would just be ridiculous and sad. They are on a different level, or should be.
  2. This... Just when I bragged on Texas Women.
  3. They have to, they are out of plays. And when I say "they" I am not talking about the African American race. I am talking about a select few ignorant Americans. Sad I have to clarify the use of the word "they", but that is the world "they" created.
  4. Figured that would kill thread. Bang
  5. That will never happen. That clown is more lost than Big Girl.
  6. It is been proven time and time again, you get on here and spew ignorance. Then, when asked to back up your crap, you run. You have nothing intelligent to add to these types of conversations. Keep trying to drive the wedge and play race. Get back to the basketball forums.
  7. This is going to be a 30 point beat down. Any takers wanting WOS +30?
  8. I would love to hear from Big Girl on why Obama would allocate that much money to the Palestinians, on his way out the door.
  9. After all the "Marching", it is good to hear from a vast amount of women in our area. I have yet to talk with a female that I know, who supports this crap. I have talked about this with 20 or so about this very topic and the majority of them are actually angry about this. These Riots do not reflect the feelings that women I know have. No riots in SETX, and no rioting in my house. God Bless Texas.
  10. Waiting for some very insightful analysis of Trump's speech from the all knowing Big Girl.......
  11. Obviously though, Dallas is in excellent shape to change that fortune. Their future looks very promising. But to this point, this is reality.
  12. I am not a Texan fan. Do not root for them, do not care they made the playoffs. I think the Texans are absolute garbage. Like I said, I have no dog in the fight. This is why I avoid Cowboy fan. They can't understand they haven't been relevant in the playoffs in over two decades. That is not "hating" that is absolute fact. Good for Dallas they were good when 25+ years ago. Cling to that glory, and not face reality.
  13. 15 years for the comparison between Texans and Cowboys because that was the time frame that was required for the comparison. The Texans have only been a franchise for said amount of years. Keep clinging to a quarter century old success. You can't "hate" on something that has been unsuccessful for 25 years. It is calling it what it is. Dallas has been mediocre since 1996. If I was bashing a team that has been playoff relevant, that would be "hating".
  14. Super Bowls doesn't put me ahead. I play for neither team, and have received no money from either. I also have never been able to see either play in a Super Bowl because it was over two decades ago. Typical Cowboy fan clinging to 25+ year old fame.
  15. Since coming to Houston in (2002), the Texans (3) have more playoff wins than the Cowboys.(2)
  16. y'all know she does this to F with y'all. She probably doesn't believe it is true herself, but would rather see everyone get riled up. She posts this kinda crap all the time and jets and never makes a legitimate argument about anything. Stop letting her have the pleasure. IGNORE IGNORANCE. C'mon Man!
  17. I've said this before, and I am not saying it because he is a Democrat, but because I truly believe this based on his actions/inactions. Obama does not like America. A traitor was elected president. He is absolutely loving making decisions like this because he is "sticking it to the man". He is an absolute disgrace to this country. Obama's legacy 1. Obamacare (fail) 2. Discredited law enforcement across the country, while legitimizing criminal behavior. 3. Enhanced the growth of ISIS. 4.Cared more about Islamic Terrorists than American people. 5. Opened the borders and killed the working class of America.
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