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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. White and black parents alike. So I am missing your point. All races are giving "the talk".
  2. I thought it in the first, second, and third place. Obama has driven the wedge between cops and criminals and another wedge between whites and black. That doesn't make me a racist for thinking that. Look at what he has and has not done for race relations. You can't make a legitimate argument support Obama in this department, and I don't expect you to try, though I would welcome that debate. But, that is not your style. You would rather throw out baseless accusation, like "your a racist". How does me thinking Obama helped cause the race issue make me a racist? Better yet, I don't need your response.
  3. There is no question, we just fundamentally disagree. I am glad, though, I got to see your perspective. I think there is too many excuses made for criminals. I think they get away with too much and don't receive proper punishment, white or black. I would be interested to see if those parents who teach their kids to be scared or not like the police have a criminal background. I am not scared of the police and do not feel like if I was stopped I would be at risk of being shot. I do not buy the rebuttal "Thats because your white" either. Here is why i am not scared of the police: 1. I rarely have interacted with them because I follow the law. 2. I do not hang around people who violate the law, risking a police interaction. 3. If stopped by a policemen, I would not be disrespect, rude, and defensive. 4. If a policeman asked me to put my hands behind my back or any other specif order, I would say "Yes sir/ma'am and do it respectfully. 5. If asked to take my hands out of my pockets, I would do so the first time I was asked. 6. I would never make a motion toward a cop, especially aggressively. 7. I would not run from the police, because I would have nothing to hide. It is not because I am white. It is because I respect the law and those that enforce it. If everyone respected the law and did not break it and have no respect for law enforcement these issues would be resolved almost to nothing. I
  4. Yes you can, but that isn't the case here. It was determined he didn't break the law. And I am with you, I am glad he was not terminated, and I doubt the camera he put up is still there. For one, he caught the thief so there is no point, and two, I am sure he doesn't want to deal with this again.
  5. I have a few things on this, but this was not the main thing I was curious on. I want to know this. I want to know YOUR opinion on this: Honestly, do you believe this? Police behavior is the problem? Also don't you think that BLM has done more harm than good? Even if the founding members are not cop hating racists, don't you think having your name associated with "We want dead cops" would prompt you to step up and condemn those people chanting such things? What good has come from BLM and how can you even compare them to civil rights activist in the 60's. King would be puking in his grave if he heard that.
  6. I am not referring to leader of African Americans. I am referring to Obama as leader of the Dems, who, in the previous post by Mack were hanging an anti-police painting. Which is not surprising, Obama has blamed the police for everything and has not once came to their defense even when the evidence pointed to it. Once again, I am curious about your response to my question on this very matter in the other thread.
  7. I guess I'll be the 1st and only to say it. Dallas will not win this game. The Packers are hot. Dallas will struggle to slow down Rodgers and the offense, and I think it will begin to take the form of a shootout. In that event, I think the Packers win. Commence verbal slaughter from Cowboy fan in 3....2.....1
  8. Now go answer the question i posed to you 3 times that you seem to ignore.
  9. and(B) with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person; (ii) arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person;  or Look, the people who investigated the action know the law better than we do. They can interpret the law better than we can. They concluded no law was broken. Ya'll can post all the links to the penal code you want. They looked at it and found no law violate. So what is the point of posting a link to a law that was not broken?
  10. BLM is his baby. He made those early statements because he wanted so badly for it to be true. He wanted to condemn the police. He wanted it to be a white vs black thing. I'm sure he has thoroughly enjoyed driving the wedge between the races and the police.
  11. "The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination." Obviously their heyday was during the Civil Rights Movement, like SNCC and many other groups. Today they definitely could play a vital, but they've been mostly M.I.A. IMO. They could have been out in front on the what some believe is an extensive culture of police brutality and the BLM movement would be the NAACP. Even if their law department found that all or most of the shootings were justified, they could have played an important role in presenting evidence/facts and getting to the heart of the issue. Remmus is closing the gap on Big Girl. I have posed this question to him 3 different times and he has flat ignored it. Another example of posting and running when posed a question that seems too punch holes in Liberal thinking.
  12. Rem, honestly, do you believe this? Police behavior is the problem? Also don't you think that BLM has done more harm than good? Even if the founding members are not cop hating racists, don't you think having your name associated with "We want dead cops" would prompt you to step up and condemn those people chanting such things? Comparing BLM to the NAACP would have civil rights activists puking in their graves.
  13. Im confused, how is this sexists? A woman horse can be a man horse if it really wants to. Can pee and poop in the man horse stall all it wants.
  14. Because they are taught to believe the policemen are power hungry racists that kill African Americans for no reason.Their leader has pushed this agenda for years.
  15. My opinion is not fact. It is based off observation. It could be right and it could be wrong. I'll use Barbers Hill again, because they were able to go out and get a top of the line coach Would you rather coach at a school with top of the line facilities, get paid 30k more bucks a year, and be in a district where the residents have no problem passing bonds to further the betterment of the program? or Take 30k less, play at a mediocre field with below average facilities, and be in a community that time and time again doesn't help the program renovate? I'm not from Nederland, but can tell you that program is filled with very good coaches. If you can get a guy like the Hill got from Allen, that would be a no brainer. I doubt very seriously that guy ever considered Nederland though.
  16. The best coaches in the state are not knocking on Nederlands door for that job. As previously addressed, Nederland has some less than attractive features. The pick of the lot are going to Barbers Hill, for example.
  17. At the end of the investigation, if it was found no law was broken, I would say it would be reasonable to keep his job. At the end of the investigation, if it was found that he did in fact break the law, I would find it reasonable to let him go. From my understanding, no law was violated, so I think it was reasonable to retain him.
  18. Rem, honestly, do you believe this? Police behavior is the problem? Also don't you think that BLM has done more harm than good? Even if the founding members are not cop hating racists, don't you think having your name associated with "We want dead cops" would prompt you to step up and condemn those people chanting such things? Comparing BLM to the NAACP would have civil rights activists puking in their graves.
  19. Correct. I'll leave it here. People have an opinion on this, that won't change. I am glad it came to a reasonable resolution.
  20. Teammates stealing from teammates is about as low as it gets in a locker room.
  21. The way the camera was used in this case, was not used while people were changing or using the bathroom. According to the law, no crime was committed in this specific case. i am sure it is illegal to video kids changing. But that is not the case here. What do I know, I did not investigate. The investigation found it to be a legal use.
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