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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. And here comes the guy who wanted the guy fired because he is not coaching at Ozen or Central.... Where everyone else rolls their eyes. So mistreated.
  2. Don't know about Lazeek, but I'm sure you can find Nash roaming in another section of this board, some would call it the Deplorable section..
  3. Of course it is a "priority to release these guys". He loves these guys, and they crimes the committed. When will people realize, Obama is not for the American people? He is very much against them. He think he has a great legacy, because he accomplished everything he intended to do, just so happens that was to destroy America.If any of these criminals commit a crime after he released them, he should be held responsible and charged with them. It is crazy to let leaders of Al-Queda go free.
  4. This is outrageous. How dare BISD reinstate a coach who broke no law or rule? I can't believe this guy got his job back after the way he looked out for his kids and his program. Non-crime committing scum.
  5. Dr. Perez is very good at her job. Regardless who gets the job, she is far from an idiot, very far.
  6. What sad is, White Democrats won't care. They will blame White Republicans for this racist "movement". It is okay to be a racist if your not white.
  7. If there is ever going to be a time, it is now. Big Sandy is down this year (in comparison to what they have been lately), still a good team though
  8. I think it comes down to the Dallas D. If they can put pressure on Rodgers and keep him in the pocket, as well as the DB's playing a solid game in the secondary. If I am Dallas, I do not want to get into a shootout. They need to stick to their game and feed the Zeke. If Green Bay comes out hot, they can't panic and get away from their game. In the end, I think Dallas is too good. I would have much rather seen NY in this round, but it is what it is.
  9. How does the Cowboy Nation feel about the game this week. I wanted to Giants to win last weekend. Rodgers and that team are on fire, and Dallas may be looking at a shootout.
  10. That guy may be the most underrated coach in the area. He should land a bigger job soon, if he wants it.
  11. I'll give you this Remmus, you don't run. Though we don't agree on much, I appreciate that.
  12. What is wrong with that. There is no issue to go national with a cop justifiably killing a criminal. Followed by weeks of BLM rioting and looting in the streets. Because a white person was killed by blacks we need to keep that quiet for the sake of not having riots on our hands?
  13. BLM is not a movement. It is a hate group just like the KKK and other supremacy groups. Don't fool yourself. BLM is a bunch of racists. "What do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now". -BLM
  14. Are you insinuating I am a Nazi, Skinhead, or any other form of racist because I will call black on black crime what it is. Instead of driving a wedge between whites and blacks, why don't the black community try pulling out the wedge that divide themselves. BLM does not want to talk about the enormously larger black on black crime rate. They would prefer to chant for dead cops. It is not racist to call something what it is. Chicago is death pool because black on black crime it out of control. It has nothing to do with white cops killing black criminals or gun sales. Be real.
  15. We need to use the death penalty more often. This kind of garbage, white or black, have no place here. Start burning the trash and the house won't stink.
  16. Oh no, the American President-Elect is looking out for AMERICANS. This is unusual.
  17. I am still waiting on his response on how fair it is that my kids don't get over 50% of my salary, because I am paying for the "less fortunate"
  18. What are you talking about? Everyone knows that the killings in Chicago are caused by "guns" and the white man. If we would simply outlaw guns and police brutality everyone would all get along. It has nothing to do with a black drug dealer killing a black car thief. IT IS THE GUNS!.
  19. Obama's legacy: Destroying the Healthcare System, siding with African American criminals without knowing facts of the case, making a clear divide between whites and blacks, making a clear divide between blacks and law enforcement.
  20. What are his numbers in terms of Russia and ISIS. How much has the number of radical Islamic terrorist (ISIS) grown in his 8 years?
  21. My actual insurance premiums Before Obamacare- $412 After Obamacare- $1,157 Thanks Obama, swell job. I don't have the numbers either, but I do know the stock market surged significantly when Trump won the election. Why was that?
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