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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. You brought race into it. Typical. Things do not change, partly at least, because everything is racist,
  2. LCM has been a tear in the playoffs and Griff deserves all the credit in the world. With that being said, they did have to play a "playoff game" just to get in. Jasper ends the Cinderella story this week, IMO.
  3. It does not matter how many years your kid plays select balll. There is only one way a PARENT should have any say whatsoever in regards to what happens with coaching. Get on the school board. The school board is people, elected by the people. Good for the parents getting their kid in select ball. However, to think that somehow gives you any say so whatsoever as to what goes on at the school is comical. If little johnny and his parent are that frustrated with the program there, this is america, and you have a right to move wherever you want. Lets please put to rest that select ball dads and moms should have any input on a baseball schools program. Get real.
  4. Nobody is above a program. Dang sure no player, and absolutely no parent.
  5. Is it the coaches fault that PNG gave up 6 runs with their Ace pitching. I guess we can also blame him for the offense scoring 1 one. When all else fails, put it on the coach. A district championship in a very competitive district, that seems good for the coach.
  6. Devin Bray was supremely talented. Where did he end up?
  7. Brad Stevens is one of the best coaches in the country. Finished close to the top for coach of the year. Has significantly overachieved in his two years with that team. Also took BUTLER to the final 4 a couple of times I believe.
  8. If your working hard ALL YEAR, one workout in MAY should not make you so sore you can't walk.
  9. The title of this thread is priceless. We (baseball players) lifted on the offseason football schedule, but that was years ago.
  10. Well, I guess that makes them women. I'm okay with that.
  11. My view on it is this Be whatever you want to be. I have ZERO issue with someone elses sexuality or gender identification. I want to make that clear. In regards to public bathrooms: If you have a penis, pee in the Mens restroom. If you do not, pee in the Womens restroom.
  12. I don't think any of them girls will be playing football next year, could be wrong. Beating up on the boys does "come around" for the girls program.
  13. I am a Republican. I don't think Teddy or Donny are right for our party. Also, I do not believe that either of them can beat Hilary head up, which is very sad. I think there are more Republicans that will admit there candidates suck more than Democrats. Nobody in their right mind can honestly think Hilary Clinton should be President, just has Donald Trump has no business. Unless something crazy happens and Kasich wins the election, this could be the worse election to ever happen to this country.
  14. It may be different for different places. I know our tournament last weekend was based on "outs". Pitcher guidelines were for 27 "outs". Which, to me, 9 innings in one weekend is absurd.
  15. As of yesterday, a close family member of his said he had not been offered the Woodville job.
  16. Anybody can talk with sarcasm. Most people who do, do it because they are no real argument and cannot come up with anything legit to say. Nobody has claimed that "everybody for Central is a great player" (ignorant statement #3). You also insinuated that Nederland has more depth in terms of solid football players than Central, that is laughable. (#4) Centrals depth athletically is the only thing they have going for them.
  17. You made an ignorant statement. No reason to take shots at anybody else, or their kids because you don't know what your talking about. And nobody that plays significant time for Central are downright bad players. They are loaded with talent across the board. Another ignorant comment. 0-2
  18. I see both sides of the arguement. However, those private institutions that do not "give athletic scholarships", very much DO give scholarships. There are easy loopholes. The admissions and financial offices are aware (often told by coaches) who those highly skilled athletes are. They are taken care of. I know this to be a fact. So though they are not getting full rides at Bama, a large portion of them are getting substantial help from the D-3 schools. Very, very few are paying private school tuition.
  19. This is a point that is often overlooked. There is a HUGE difference between going to play for and actually playing for.
  20. Congrats Zach. Lamar is a fine program.
  21. The majority of NFL teams have nature grass fields. Guess the NFL is "behind the times"
  22. Congrats to both! Good luck playing at the next level.
  23. Pig Boy strikes again. What a loser.
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