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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. A college athlete has a conference football game and an intramural ping pong game on the same day, which does he attend? I get fishing has become a thing now for high school students. I also am aware they have a chance to win money and scholarships, but c'mom. What has happened to high school sports when were trying to move games based a fishing tournament. It would be like missing for One Act Play. (which for some is totally fine). But a true, dedicated baseball player doesn't even have that question run through his mind.
  2. I'm with you 100%. Good Luck to you Guys newt year Red Dawn.
  3. What's the nonsense? Nonsense would be something that is false? Your coach did something he shouldn't have...That has been stated already Crosby fans blew them all year long to be for sure Region Champs....True Got smashed in the 2nd Round...True What about that is nonsense?
  4. I have already mention the comments were not needed. Your coach did something he shouldn't have, and it cost him his job apparently. I do not now the FACTS of what exactly he did, I have already said that. As for the Mecca comments, you guys bring that upon yourself. Really, you bring it upon them. I loved all your posts last season that did nothing but preach about how awesome you guys are. I remember the posts about nobody in the Region should really challenge Crosby at all. Literally, all year, you guys were arrogant as hell. Then you get smashed in the 2nd round and people give you crap about it. If you guys had any humility at all, that wouldn't happen. So as far as the constant "Mecca" comments you receive, you earned them.
  5. There is a factual reason Coach Mann was let go. All I am getting at is, the factual reason for his departure should be open for public knowledge. I guess nobody has that information and that is okay. My point is there is a reason, and it would be fact. Like BigDog stated, it has not been published by a news source, so it is what it is. Though I am curious of that factual reason, my comments regarding Crosby were out of line. My apologies.
  6. Facts would be facts, no speculation or side judgement. Whatever he did would be a fact. There is no problem with somebody posting what he done if it was a fact would it? I just think it ridiculous people trying to cover up whatever facts may be. I don't know what he did, but he coaches for a team this area covers, making what goes on in that athletic department perfectly fine with me to discuss. Only facts however. I don't want to gossip or judge the coach, but knowing the facts of his departure shouldn't be off limits. That is just me though. I guess we could go back to talking about how Crosby is by far the best team in that Region and should easily make another trip to state, but we all seen how that turned out for the Mecca. Get offended all you want, and try to keep what your coach did a secret. I look forward to all the Crosby posts talking about how great they are, especially for a team that can't get out of the second round with 15+ college football players.
  7. God forbid The Mecca has any dirty laundry to air. People are quick to to air out all the info that goes on in our neck of the woods, but lets keep the Holy Mecca drama quiet? If the Coach screwed up, he screwed up.
  8. For the love of God man, say what you want to say already. Who is the coach from Crosby you heard is leaving?
  9. The board members must be divided or it would not have taken this long.
  10. Narrowed down to two. Lance Dale is one of them. Should be announced next Monday.
  11. Larry would be a good fit in Woodville. However, I do not see it happening.
  12. That would be a steal!!!! Man, I hope this is true.
  13. On his current pace, 1 championship per 7 years (which you keep saying is so great, which it is pretty impressive), Cal will win 5 championships if he stays 35 years. If my math is accurate, given his current pace, no he will not win 5 championships even if he stays 30 years.
  14. Calipari has gotten 37 players drafted in the last 20 years. 5 are playing Overseas because they couldnt make it in the NBA (Darius Miller, Deandre Liggins, Robert Dozier, Joey Dorsey, Rodney Carney) 4 players drafted after 2008 are free agents- which means nobody wants (Doron Lamb, Josh Harrellson, Daniel Orton, Chris Douglas-Roberts) 3 in the D-League- which means not good enough for the NBA- ( Andrew Harrison, Dhkari Johnson, Marquis Teague) Because I wont argue about who is to judge a successful career I will leave the list alone, although it could be bigger. In 20 years he has "saved 36 black players and 1 white player. Of the 37- 12 were flops. 25 are left. Several are rookies so time will tell. Out of the whole black community in the country, the SAVIOR has helped 25. What a Samaritan.
  15. Man 16 players since the Marcus Camby era. What an awersome %. I'm around this site enough to know, you are lost on almost everything you say. So, I am not going to entertain conversations with you back and forth. Your history here is self evident. For you to actually believe that John Calipari is somehow a savior you "yound black players" across America makes me a little sick. Calipari is about Calipari. Lastly, SOME of the players that have left Kentucky are making millions. Can you look how many Kentucky players over the last decade have left without a degree, and flopped out of the NBA. PLEASE SEND ME THAT LIST. But your right. Those 16 players make up such a large %.
  16. I do not need to do more research. You named elite stars that I could have coached in college, that still would have successful NBA careers. Your idea that Calipari is saving poor black kids by making them all NBA millionaires is ridiculous. He is sending 12 kids to a draft when only 2 or 3 will have a chance to make "millions". What about the other 9 that spend 2-4 years in the D-League, then have to go out in the real world with zero education? How will those players support their entire families? Maybe the way to be their "savior" is to help develop their NBA chances, while helping them complete a degree to have some way to support a family. The facts are, more of those players end up not making the money to "take care of their families" with NBA money over the course of a lifetime. Do some research on how many players are broke when even a successful career is over. The one and dones theory only works if your John Wall and Boogie Cousins and D. Rose, not the 12th man on the bench. My man.
  17. Out of the 12 players he sends to the draft this year, maybe 3 will have successful careers that allow them to "take care of their families". He uses this "sending all my kids to the pros" as a recruiting tool. Last years group was pretty special with Cauley-Stein, Randle, and so forth, but what have the other 7 kids that went accomplished. I have not heard of the Harrison twins all year. If they had 12 kids that were NBA talent, they would have done better than the Round of 32.
  18. He was present, but not in uniform last night. I'm guessing he was hurt or in trouble.
  19. Its tournament play. Games mean very little. Just because they physically can go 7, does not mean they need to. Over the course of a season, you can tell the players who have been pitched way too much, they get "dead arm" and drop 4-5 mph.
  20. Buna has a tough hill to climb tonight against EC. I will say this though, that coach over their in Buna has done a nice job of making that program relevant again. In my opinion, EC is just too much for Buna. EC wins a very competitive game, pulling away in the final 4 minutes. EC by 12. Good luck to both programs tonight!
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