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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Yup. I think Newton still wins, but they are a different team with him.
  2. If you have seen Kountze this year, this game is not surprising at all. If you haven't seen Kountze this year, you cannot understand how far this program has really fallen. I do not see the team they are currently fielding making the playoffs, even in this district that is so weak at the bottom.
  3. Duncanville won't beat North Shore. We can do the "wait and see" "time will tell" stuff, but it ain't happening.
  4. Couple responses lol 1. I don't think so. The school generates that money, whether through football or not. Women's field hockey could be considered the "children". Is it Socialism if a dad who makes a lot of money spends it on his kids? 2. I understand you point about loyal neighbors. My response is, who cares of? Alabama doesn't care about it's neighbors. I guess under the socialist policies the SEC put into place, bad neighbors would care, but the good neighbors don't. Does it really benefit Aggie if Bama, Georgia, and LSU are great? Yeah, it gets the conference more recognition and what not, and the schools not winning still gets paid. But from a competition standpoint, all it does it keep you at arms length. Aggie is having a good recruiting class, but are still being out recruited by Alabama and Georgia. Why? Because they keep winning. Alabama and Georgia winning does nothing but hurt the Aggies. 3. Even in The University of Texas' significant down years, they still have competed at a high level against OU, winning several of the most recent.
  5. There is no reason Vandy and Kentucky should pull the same revenue in football as Bama. Alabama does ALL the heavy lifting for the SEC. You can throw Georgia in there if you want. In what aspect of life should eveybody get paid the same, regardless of the quality they produce. Sounds like Socialism.
  6. I agree with you man, all the way around
  7. You are going to have to give him time to "google" and scan through a couple of Liberal articles to tell him what to say.
  8. I would assume the picks were made before playoffs started.
  9. Well, were not any good, but somebody else in out conference is...
  10. I wasn't calling you a bandwagoner. It doesn't bother me that you root for the Cowboys. Why the heck you get so sensitive lol
  11. I gotta can of paint we can throw on the wall and watch dry. Lol Kidding
  12. I'm sure the bandwagon for an 8-6 team still has plenty of seats lol, "America's Team" or not.
  13. Bump. Been several days. Is nobody interested in this game?
  14. Did you just put this dude in the same category as Earl Campbell and Eddie George? Lol are you messing with us? His highest rushing total through the 1st 14 weeks was 58. I feel like your messing with us lol
  15. I haven't. I am sure I will one day. I went when they came to Houston this year.
  16. Harden can only do so much. This roster just stinks. 40 million to Chris Paul for 3 more years may end up being one of the worst contracts in Houston's sport history. I expect them to "turn it around" and make the playoffs. But there is not way you can think this roster has any chance to win the West
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