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Everything posted by Tigers2010

  1. Not trying to change your mind. And I couldn't agree more, more often than not the best teams are in.
  2. Bro you just made me spit out my water... See if these sound familiar "Bruins being outcoached, and out schemed" "Bruins going to lose, coaching stinks" "If we win, it will be sheer athletic ability, not coaching" "Poor Coaching calls, and no points" "Athletic ability, wasn't the coaching" Granted, these were all when WB was trailing. You get a lot less vocal when they are winning.
  3. The whole conference champ should automatically be in is great in all if it plays out like it should. But, to often "it all goes to hell". I will the the scenario where the proven and better teams are getting in than risking Pitt, Texas, and Northwestern all sneaking in because they pulled an upset late, but lost 3 or more games.
  4. If Texas would have beaten Oklahoma Saturday, would they have deserved to play for a title? After losing to Maryland, West Virginia, and Oklahoma State? I am a Longhorn fan and that answer is hell no. If Pitt would have beaten Clemson in the ACC title game, shoud PITT be in the playoff? Or Northwestern? Then Clemson would have to get an "at large bid". Then you have Clemson and Northwestern in the playoff.
  5. Ignorant statement retracted. No reprimands needed. Good work. LOL
  6. Ahhh, thought a poster said people were going to have to be standing along the fence.
  7. If it can't hold the traveling fan base, it shouldn't even have been an option.
  8. United- Fair for fans to be upset with Coaching. They were not very good and the HC hadn't coached in a decade. It wasn't a good hire, and easily ridiculed. I can read a Nederland game thread without having to see over and over how awful they coaches are. It is indisputable fact part of the WB "fan base" didn't want Peevey to be hired. I am just curious as to why, and why would being one game from State not chill that?
  9. Both AD's need a public reprimand for agree to play here. What a joke. People wonder why small school football is not taken that seriously from the outside world.
  10. The hate at WB is more alive than anywhere I have read this year. It started the day he was announced as Coach. I just want to know what that faction of people have against him? What could it be?
  11. Come on man, you have seen this. Every single week. When it's good, it is purely because of the kids. When it looks like they may lose, it's all on the coaches. And everybody wants best for the kids.
  12. And Silsbee has not played a good team since October 12th, they may be a little rusty.
  13. I guess you have an issue with Zeke acting like a three year old eating out of a bowl every time he gets a carry?
  14. About to go to State and people still sitting behind a computer trying to tell a Coach how to run a program. I got a feeling you may end up getting your wish, hope BISD hires another good one. However, the record does not indicate they will.
  15. That's a huge opportunity for Texas. Don't see them winning that game, but man talk about catapult the program
  16. McGrue should have taken a knee at the 1 to kill more clock lol
  17. So I assume the SEC will rig the game today to get both teams in?
  18. How many under routes to the flats can you allow before you make an adjustment?
  19. No fair catch signal was ever given. Who calls fair catch at 3? That was bad..
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